Drabble: Wait for it!

Aug 14, 2010 15:34

Title: Wait for it!
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side.
Word count: 100
Characters: Guy/Marian, Allan, Vasey
Prompt: Guy/Marian; sex in public.
Notes: Written for 2010 rh_drabblefest.
Disclaimer: Robin Hood is copyright to Tiger Aspect and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made.

An announcement would be read any moment. The trumpeters were getting ready. The sheriff looked smug.

Outside an alcove, on top on the castle stairs, stood a nervous Allan, ordered to keep watch.

Inside the alcove, Guy and Marian were glued together, but holding back until it was safe to give in to their rapture.

It was the perfect moment, an exhilarating madness.

“Wait for the trumpets, Guy - ” she moaned.

“Wait yourself if you are able to,” he panted and nibbled her neck, sending her over the edge.

They both cried out as the trumpets blasted.

fic: wait for it!, fic, guyxmarian, rh_drabblefest 2010, drabble

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