Heaven & Hell: The Barn

Nov 16, 2011 10:36

Castiel is not stalling, no matter what Uriel (who is grumbling less than quietly behind him) might believe. He is merely assessing the situation. Stalling will only prolong the sense of discomfort that this whole situation has elicited.

The barn is on the other side of the field. And in it are Sam and Dean Winchester. And Anna.

Castiel had really hoped that it would not come to this, but there are no viable choices left. He has his orders and he will carry them out. Though he had been forced to have a rather pointed discussion with Uriel as to exactly how they were going to be carried out.

“Need I remind you, this task was appointed to me? I will deal with Anna. You are to contain the Winchesters should they create problems.”

Which, knowing Sam and Dean, they probably will.

Light bleeds out of the thin cracks in the barn wall. There are no other people around, nor any demons that he can sense. The time is right. Just a few more minutes and it will all be over.

Castiel turns to Uriel and nods, and in an instant they are standing before the barn, the doors blowing open in the wake of their arrival.

It's the first time Castiel has seen his sister face-to-face since her fall.

"Hello, Anna."
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