i fucking hate plagiarists

Apr 19, 2011 01:06

i am so fucking SICK of plagiarism. my fics have just been plagiarised for the FOURTH time i've come across since i started writing.

i left comments on this person when i discovered that she'd not only been posting my fics and passing them off as her own, she also stole one of hotarumyst 's. she worked fast, though - she's deleted the fics she plagiarised (joahamnidaRead more... )


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Comments 41

taengoo April 18 2011, 17:13:09 UTC
baw, you missed my comment to her XD it was right below yours~ lmao

but omg, fail-thief. her account is back though :\


thundersquall April 18 2011, 17:14:11 UTC
yeah because the next time i went back, the entry was already deleted :| that's why i only got these few screencaps >.


taengoo April 18 2011, 17:20:45 UTC
it's okay, babe, i was just being silly with you <3

but man, oh man. i don't understand how people thought it was really her writing. reading (what i assume) is her own stuff... it doesn't even compute.


thundersquall April 19 2011, 12:46:03 UTC
someone who did read her stuff told me that she did think it was kind of weird that her writing "suddenly improved" over a few weeks but she insisted it was her own work and honestly, you'd have no reason to doubt someone who says so, because EVERYONE knows that plagiarism is just... not done. :|


romantikyu April 18 2011, 17:13:32 UTC
Urgh, can I just.... take another moment to rage?


thank you.

okay, but seriously. how can ANYONE think that taking other people's hard work and passing them off as their own as okay? It shows that the person who does it are really narrow-minded, and frankly I just find it sad that they're not willing to attempt writing shit themselves. I've never experienced that people have plagiarized my stuff before, and I don't want to either, because it must be horrible.

It's disgusting, it's lame, and the fact that she's TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD, and ADULT, show that it wasn't just an ignorant teen who didn't know better. I mean, seriously? The world should've taught her better.

She undeleted her lj btw.


thundersquall April 19 2011, 12:53:09 UTC
even at this moment i am loling at how cute your norwegian keysmash is :'DDD

oh god i hope you never get plagiarised, because it's horrible. i really don't know why some people think it's okay. no matter what age you are, shouldn't you know that stealing someone else's work and then lying that it's yours is wrong? :| i will never understand how these people think.


romantikyu April 19 2011, 14:17:55 UTC
dies :'DDD

I don't doubt it, urgh :( /lots and lots of hugs. I seriously wonder if these people think at all :|


kitkii April 18 2011, 17:19:17 UTC
i have zero respect for plagiarists. none at all. you have to be a certain low level of pathetic to even want to do something like this.

mte. :/ I'll never understand why people will stoop so low. For attention? She got it. The wrong kind. :/ I wonder how many other people she's plagiarized. I can't believe she'd do this to you or Kelley :( you guys are two of the nicest people I've ever met, and the most talented. If she really wanted to be a good writer, she'd take a class :| or buy a book. :| I don't care. Plagiarism is against the law for a reason. Stealing someones hard work is wrong and completely unforgivable.


thundersquall April 19 2011, 12:54:46 UTC
i am pretty sure she plagiarised from other people too, because i saw some other fics on there which she also deleted, but idk whose they were or i'd have told them too. >.<

it must be worse for artists like you though, if your work is stolen D:


kitkii April 19 2011, 13:27:16 UTC
noo, it's like, the same :( either way it's your work. either way, it's against the law and horrible. :( only in art, there are ways around it. writing is more protected, but it's still the same :( fff i'm sorry it even happened to you ;A;


yinhe April 18 2011, 17:26:15 UTC
people like this disgust me and i'm so sorry it's happened to you so much. i understanding wanting to write well like others, but to actually go and steal someone else's work is completely low and not right at all. again, i'm so so sorry this keeps happening to you. it's not right at all. ♥


thundersquall April 19 2011, 12:57:15 UTC
idk why this always happens to me too lmao fml ;;

yeah i understand wanting to write well, we ALL wish that for ourselves, but that's something you have to do on your own through practice, lots of reading, etc >.< thank you though kat bb ♥


g_odalisque13 April 18 2011, 17:33:53 UTC
god that's so fucked up.
i'm really sorry that you had to deal with that :(
i'm always so paranoid about people stealing my stuff like that. honestly, i just don't understand why people would do that.


thundersquall April 19 2011, 12:58:48 UTC
i am so paranoid now, you don't even know :| especially since it's happened so often already and i've only been writing for two years. i don't understand why people would do this too. what kind of satisfaction would you get out of it even if you get praise? you'll always know deep inside that you're not the one being praised, someone else's work is. >.<

thank you for your kind words though ♥


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