A lot of the times when I notice my dream start to turn strange, I realize that I'm dreaming I will myself to wake up, even if the dream isn't bad or uncomfortable. Yeah, but those dreams where things are exactly how you would want them always leave you with an empty, regretful feeling when you wake up.
I don't even know if I could call it a lucid dream, because while I remember being confused and thinking it had to be a dream while I was there, I didn't want to wake up. The regret upon waking, though, that was hard. Dreams really have a knack for making you feel like shit.
Why can't I ever dream nice creams of rainbow unicorns and men in Lederhosen?
Comments 14
Why can't I ever dream nice creams of rainbow unicorns and men in Lederhosen?
... actually, I don't want to know anymore.
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