Fic: Woolfgathering (Castiel/Jacob)

Nov 15, 2011 18:46

Title: Woolgathering
Author: thunder_nari
Recipient: a_carnal_mink
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Castiel/Jacob, Jimmy/Jacob, implied Jimmy/Castiel, Claire
Word count: ~3 600
Notes: Taken from the prompt: 2014 verse, Claire walks into camp Chitaqua with her uncle Jacob (from Stonehenge Apocalypse). I tried to get in some hints at Dean/Claire friendship and Jimmy the ( Read more... )

castiel, supernatural fanfic, castiel/jacob, jacob glaser, jimmy/jacob, jimmy novak, stonehenge apocalypse fanfic, crossover, castiel/jimmy

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Comments 12

a_carnal_mink November 16 2011, 03:32:28 UTC

Oh gods, I love it! Thank-you so much! JACOBBBBBB! I haven't got a more coherent comment right now, but I'll return later with something a little more sober. Just know that I'm incredibly grateful for this lovely gift and I love it! :D


thunder_nari November 19 2011, 22:06:35 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it, I know it's probably not quite what you were expecting. :P


axilet November 16 2011, 08:51:53 UTC
*points at icon*

Castiel taking Claire's childhood away and remaking her in his own image. Castiel and Jacob with Jimmy in between. CLAIRE AND DEAN FRIENDS FOR EVER.



thunder_nari November 19 2011, 22:07:15 UTC
Thanks, darlin! One day though, I promise you'll get your OT3 with a happy ending. ;)


axilet November 20 2011, 02:43:19 UTC
OT3 with a happy ending

=D =D =D


callowyn November 16 2011, 21:07:00 UTC
Eeeeeee! JACOB IS PERFECTION AND OH MY GOD CLAIRE. I love the ways each of them react to Jimmy's absence, searching for Jimmy in each other and completely unable to handle Castiel. AND THE NOVAKCEST IN THE FLASHBACKS. AMELIA THOUGHT JIMMY WOULD GO TO JACOB. AAAAAAAAAAAA.

This is awesome :D


thunder_nari November 19 2011, 22:07:49 UTC
Hee! Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. <3


dossier November 18 2011, 03:15:55 UTC
i love this. little snapshots of 4 lives intertwined, gone wrong and yet still finding something out in the weeds.


thunder_nari November 19 2011, 22:08:02 UTC
Thanks! :)


(The comment has been removed)

thunder_nari November 19 2011, 22:08:54 UTC
I wanted to do more all about Jimmy Jacob/Cas but I ran out of time! I'm glad you liked it, though! <3


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