Title: Cords
roslindiFandom: Supernatural
Pairing(s)/Characters: Sam/Dean/Castiel
Word Count: ~15 000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU post mid-season five, sort of dub-con soul bonding, brief mentions of clinical depression, human!Castiel
Summary: Sam, Dean and Castiel stop the Apocalypse but not without paying a price. As Sam is about to give in and say 'yes' to the devil, Castiel binds he and Sam together - grace and soul - in a move that puts their lives in each others hands.
Dean watches their relationship develop with envy but Lucifer still knows a few tricks and Dean might have a bond of his own after all. One that seems to be slowly draining him away.
Link to art master post:
art masterpost Fic Links:
Part One //
Part Two