I don't even know, I just want Chuck to sleep with angels.
Short ficlet under the cut. Spoilers for 4.18. Rated...PG?
The horrible thing is that he knows it's going to happen and that there's not a damn thing he can do to stop it. The angel doesn't know. Castiel? No, he doesn't have a clue. Which makes it better or maybe it makes it worse. Chuck doesn't know, how is he supposed to know?
It's all written out with sloppy prose and scratchy letters because his hand wouldn't stop shaking. But he couldn't leave it out. This isn't like all the stuff that he's seen and omitted. This had to be written down because it had to happen. It has some impact. In the future, in a place he hasn't been able - allowed? - to see yet.
It's all destined.
There's no surprise and it's not just because he's sort of drunk, when the angel appears in the vacant space in front of his chair. He blinks and the angel is there, looking curious and lost and Chuck wants to reach out to either ruffle or smooth down his hair. He doesn't for now because that part comes later.
“I came to...” Castiel starts but doesn't seem to know where to go from there.
Chuck does. “To ask about Dean.”
“Yes,” Castiel says after a hesitation.
The angel thinks he's disobeying or somehow doing something wrong. It's in the way he looks down. It's in the printed pages on Chuck's desk. Chuck gets to his feet so he can step by Castiel. He needs another drink.
“I don't know,” Chuck says. “If he's ever going to touch you or love you.” He tosses down the whiskey and shrugs. “It hasn't come to me yet.”
Castiel is astonished. He doesn't look it but he is. “That isn't what I-”
“Yes, it is.”
Chuck is kind of resigned but he's also kind of eager. The drink is curling warm through him and Castiel is looking at him so earnestly. Hoping that Chuck can tell him what to do because something has to and Chuck is the one that knows how it all plays out. Except that he doesn't. And he doesn't even want to.
Once it is written, it can't be unwritten.
The angel won't stop staring at him, just waiting for answers. Chuck can't draw it out. He sets the glass down loud. He takes two steps across the room. He seals his lips over an angel's. And there's no heavenly wrath, there's no lightening raining down on him. He parts his lips to laugh and Castiel parts his to gasp. Chuck takes advantage and Castiel doesn't pull away.
“This isn't-” Castiel starts when Chuck stops but a hand planted firmly over Castiel's chest silences him.
“Yes it is. You're curious. You want to know. What it's like, how it feels. And you want to know if Dean could show you but it's not him. Not right now.”
Castiel's staring back at him, chest rising and falling sharply under his hand. “You knew.”
“I was meant to come here.” It's like a revelation to the angel. This is his path and it is decreed.
Chuck shrugs. Castiel kisses him. Written pages come to life and Chuck wonders how free will works.