what is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?

Aug 18, 2010 13:22

So I beat Tales of Symphonia for the second time. So proud that I managed to do it because I had to leave since I don't have a Wii/Gamecube up there. Sadly, I didn't get the Zelos ending I wanted, mainly because it's the most difficult to get, and unless I really tried, it was gonna be hard as heck to get it. But I did manage to get the Sheena ( Read more... )

tales of symphonia, college, tales of the abyss, video games

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Comments 11

cherryfox August 18 2010, 17:52:42 UTC
What was that about Tales of the Abyss?


thumbs August 18 2010, 18:34:18 UTC
I need to replay it. Fully.
We should play it together. :D


cherryfox August 18 2010, 18:50:15 UTC
And fangirl together?

And RP together. /shot.

I still suck as Jade but I can play okay as anyone else. >:F


thumbs August 18 2010, 19:07:35 UTC
You know I suck as smart, science-y dudes, so even though I adore Jade, I don't think I would ever be able to play well as him. And Guy's too ... normal. I think Anise is the only one I might be capable of pulling off. Actually, Peony doesn't seem difficult either.

But yeah. Also, I'll be living in a house now, so it's more spacious and all than my little dorm. So you could probably even come over sometime too. :D


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