FIC: Acrimonious (16-2-2/21)

Sep 30, 2012 00:25

Title: Acrimonious

Disclaimer: …it’s probably better that Bruno Heller owns The Mentalist, really.

Rating: NC-17

Summary: After FBI Agent Susan Darcy is overheard telling Special-Agent-in-Charge Luther Wainwright that Patrick Jane may be working with Red John, Red John steals Jane’s body and begins to destroy the team’s lives one-by-one.

Spoilers: Brief spoiler for Crimson Hat (4x24), but the rest of this story is set after Something Rotten in Redmund (4x20).

Warnings: Violence, language, drug use, sex, non-con situations, mentions of child abuse/domestic abuse, negative character portrayals, major and minor character death.

Pairings: Red John/Teresa Lisbon, Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, Wayne Rigsby/Sarah Harrigan, Kimball Cho/Summer Edgecombe.

16 2/2--

“I know enough, Teresa.” Jane replied. “It’s what happens when you work with the same individuals for years. Whether you realize it or not, Craig went to Grace because she was easy. Grace has always believed in the fairytale ending, Teresa.” He scowled. “But you and I know that this isn’t a fairytale, don’t we? You know the good guy doesn’t always win, the heroines don’t always get rescued from their towers.” Jane cocked the gun in her direction again. “And sometimes,” he moved the gun slightly to the right, “the hero gets killed for trying to do the right thing.”

Lisbon watched in horror as Jane pulled the trigger. The gun fired, the shot echoed loudly within the echoing room, and in the next moment, her clothes and face were covered in a mess of blood and brain matter. Before she could blink the red from her vision, she heard something heavy hit the floor.

Rigsby! Her mind screamed.

She spun on her heels and glanced down at the floor, only to find Rigsby lying face down on the gray concrete floor; scarlet pooled under his face, around his body and stained the new suit that Rigsby had mentioned being able to finally afford yesterday morning. Lisbon pushed back her tears at the sight of the young father on the floor. Rigsby hadn’t done anything to deserve a bullet to the face. Rigsby had done nothing to Red John.

Jane had simply killed him, because of her and her refusal to comply.

“You see, Teresa. If you had just agreed to do exactly what I had said; Agent Rigsby would still have a face and Benjamin would still have father.” Jane said. “Whatever will you tell Ms. Harrigan, Teresa? You killed her boyfriend. She’s a single mother now, who works a fulltime job.” Lisbon forced her eyes away from Rigsby’s body to glance back at Jane, who pointed the gun at her once more. “You don’t think she’ll hate you?”

Lisbon didn’t want to listen to him anymore. She had lost another member of her team to Red John and the more he spoke, the more she felt the need to cry. “What’s your plan?”

“I’m so glad you asked!” Jane replied with a bright smile. “But for the next few minutes, everything I do involves your eyes.” Lisbon blinked and her blurry vision cleared. Hadn’t she and Van Pelt seen enough already? Jane’s eyes flickered toward Van Pelt and Lisbon felt her heart stop. “Do you see my chair over there, Teresa?” Lisbon nodded; it had been the chair she had stupidly untied him from, without seeing all of the facts first. “Go over, drag it a little closer, sit down and look at me. If you move or say anything after you sit down at all, however, I will put a bullet through Grace’s head also.” As if he had to prove his threat, he cocked the gun in Van Pelt’s direction and she saw his finger ready to pull the trigger.

Quickly, she did as he had requested. The chair moved, until Jane motioned for her to sit down and she sat down with her arms crossed against her chest. She watched Jane move to stand in front of Rigsby’s body, before he nodded to her and Lisbon took a deep breath; nobody else would die, as long as she didn’t move her head or speak a word at whatever Jane was planning to do.

“Come here, my pet.” Lisbon heard Jane say, as he beckoned Van Pelt to come to him with a single finger. Van Pelt moved to him, until they both stood across from each other; Jane’s hands grabbed onto Van Pelt’s shoulders and pushed the young woman to her knees, before he glanced in her direction. “Remember Teresa. If you look away, move from that spot, or say one word; I’ll blow her pretty little head off.” Lisbon nodded and Jane glanced back down at Van Pelt, who once again, stared at the floor. She watched his mouth move and Van Pelt’s mouth open, as her head lifted and her fingers went for both the waistband and the zipper of his pants.

He wouldn’t, Lisbon thought.

She continued to watch Van Pelt pull Jane’s dark pants and boxers down to his ankles; between his legs hung his manhood, which Van Pelt slowly took in her hands and in-between her lips.

“Fuck me with your tongue.” She heard Jane order Van Pelt, as the gun was pressed against the top of Van Pelt’s red hair. Lisbon bit her lip to keep quiet. What Jane-Red John, she corrected herself-was doing, was wrong. Van Pelt had gone through quite enough and by making her a willing participant, he was making her relieve the situation again and again within her own mind. She didn’t want to watch the scene before her, but the way Van Pelt’s head bobbed up and down as she sucked him dry within her mouth made her stare in transfixed horror.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

Lisbon tasted her own blood, felt liquid pool between her thighs while heat rushed through her body, as she fought against her need to fidget. Jane had his head thrown backwards as she watched Jane fuck Van Pelt’s mouth with his body. The muscles in his legs quivered and she couldn’t help but imagine herself in the same position; Jane’s magnificent length in her mouth, the salty taste of his cum on her tongue, his hands buried in her hair, the dirty words he whispered in her ear…

This is wrong! Her thoughts screamed, as she continued to watch and wet her underwear out of arousal. Jane pulled the gun from atop Van Pelt’s head and removed himself from her mouth, before he put his hand to the side of her head and shoved hard. She fell to the side without a sound, as her body landed in the slick mess of Rigsby’s blood and body; Van Pelt’s screams echoed around the room, until Jane silenced her with a swift kick to the head.

Jane glanced down at himself first, before he turned his head to stare at her with a smile and her gun still in his hand.

“I apologize for this.” Jane gestured toward his fully-erect penis. “The screams from my victims always make me feel the need to masturbate.” She watched him run one of his hands down himself. “I hope you understand my need to take care of this, before we continue on.” Jane sat his gun down on the floor and Lisbon tried to force herself to move, but she just couldn’t.  Mesmerized, she watched as he brought both of his hands to his lips and licked the palms of his hands wet. She also watched as he brought his hands back down to wrap around his penis, before he started to rub his hands together. The scene before her eyes made her shift slightly; the pleasure written all across his face made her feel something that she had no business feeling, as Jane had just killed one of her people.

Low grunts filled the room and Lisbon continued to watch him work his way to an orgasm, until finally Jane’s hands became coated with his own semen and he dropped his dripping length to hang back between his legs.

“Much better.” Jane told her in a sigh, while he bent back down to grab at her gun with his cum-coated fingers. “Now, where were we Teresa?”

In the chair, she shifted again and tried to keep her arousal hidden from him; but the wide smile across his face told her he already knew why she couldn’t sit still.

“You look a little hot and bothered there, Teresa. Is something wrong?”

“No.” Lisbon lied.

“You’re a terrible liar, Teresa.” Jane answered with a shake of his head. “You can’t keep still, your breathing is heavy and your face is red.” Lisbon cursed her body silently. “You should be ashamed of feeling aroused at the act your poor Grace just went through. She’s pregnant and I made her go down on her knees.” Jane chuckled. “You say I’m the sick bastard, my dear, but you’re the one who has wet themselves in pleasure at such a horrific act. Have you no shame, Teresa?”

Shame filled her again. Red John or not, Jane was right. Lisbon glanced down at the floor in humiliation; she should have grabbed the gun, she should have never brought Rigsby or Van Pelt with her. She heard Jane’s footsteps, before she felt his warm hand touch her chin and lift it gently; her eyes met his bluish-green eyes and for a moment, she could have sworn that the familiar spark of warmth was back.

“Hush, Teresa. I won’t tell anyone, if you don’t. It’ll be our little secret.” He pressed one of his fingers against her lips. “Why don’t you help me clean up, my love? I’m awfully sticky and you’re awfully…” His lips twitched. “…stimulated.” She opened her mouth to tell him to go away, when he inserted his finger into her mouth. “Help me, Teresa. Or I will kill Grace. Remember, I still have your gun.” She felt the barrel of the gun against her head and she moved her tongue against his finger, until he pulled it from her mouth moments later. “Now, you’ll take off all of your clothes and the rest of mine. I would hate to leave you without having a little bit of fun.”

She stood from her chair and with shaky fingers, she had them both undressed in a matter of seconds.

She felt Jane’s hand brush against her bare breasts, before he spoke again. “You should lie on the ground, Teresa. I don’t want to hurt you.” With a half nod, Lisbon moved to rest her body against the cold concrete ground and Jane followed her; she heard the sound of her gun being slid across the floor. He said nothing, as she felt him shove her legs apart, settle himself on top of her with his hands holding her arms down, before he drove himself into her; his self-lubricated arousal was without a condom and every thrust he delivered into her made her body jerk violently on the floor. “Oh, my. You really are wet, aren’t you?” She heard him whisper into her ear and she forced the breath from her lungs. “And tight, Teresa. So very tight. You obviously haven’t been a bad girl while I’ve been gone, have you?”

She fought against her blush; aside from her fingers in the beginning of his absence, she had done nothing to relieve her sexual frustrations. Silence fell around them both and Lisbon closed her eyes, as she tried to pretend that they weren’t on the floor of an old warehouse as she continued to feel him thrust into her.

“Tell me what you want, Teresa.” She heard him whisper into her ear again.

To kill you, she thought as she imagined emptying all of the bullets from her gun into his chest, I want to kill you.

“Do you want to climax, Teresa? Do you want relief from the sexual itch that I left you with?” She said nothing. She wasn’t going to play his game. She wasn’t going to give into him. “Don’t be shy, Teresa. I can feel how close you are to coming and I only want to give you what you truly desire.”

She felt him increase his rhythm against her and before she could do anything in response, she felt him pull himself out of her. Lisbon writhed against the cold floor out of need; the bastard still held tightly to her arms and she couldn’t even use her fingers to relieve the deep burning urge within her.

“I asked what you wanted and you said nothing.” Jane told her. Lisbon narrowed her eyes as she tried to escape from his grasp. “I’m going to move now. If your hands or body move, I will be back with your gun before you can pleasure yourself. Think of how humiliating it would be to die with your entire hand inside of you, Teresa. The CBI wouldn’t know what to think.”

Jane pulled away from her and Lisbon bit her tender lip to keep still. She heard his footsteps, but she couldn’t see where he was going. She tried to ignore the heat; she tried to focus on cool thoughts but the itching between her legs made it almost impossible to focus on anything else.

Where is he going? She wondered.

Lisbon heard his footsteps again, before she felt his hands on her breasts; his hands were wet with something, but she ignored the coolness to stare up at him. Jane continued to smile as she felt him pinch her nipples and trail his fingers down her stomach, until eventually; she felt his fingers dance between her thighs.

She moaned, lowly. His fingers felt so good near her inner heat; so cool and soft…

“Tsk. Tsk. Teresa.” Jane replied. “I don’t think you want my fingers to fuck you right now…”

Lisbon couldn’t take any more of his torture, regardless of what he wanted and what he didn’t. She needed him, immediately; she arched off the ground, toward his exploring fingers and Jane chuckled, before she felt him sink his fingers into her. Hard, he rubbed at her insides and she let out a second low moan. He was so good.

“Tell me what else you need, Teresa.” Jane whispered and she stared up at him, her eyes wide. “Or I’ll stop.”

Her thoughts were such a mess. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to arrest him. She wanted him inside of her again. She wanted him to keep rubbing, to keep helping her fix her itch. Above all else, she just wanted him even though she knew it was wrong. Her body craved his touch and his rubbing only made it that much harder to say anything other than you.

“You, Patrick, I need you.”

Jane shook his head with a sad laugh. “You can’t have me, Teresa, because I own you.” She felt him remove his fingers from her and she mewed lightly; so close to bursting, so close to throwing herself over the edge. “We can’t own each other, my dear; it just doesn’t work that way.” Lisbon watched him stand; she saw the small smile on his face, his penis between his legs, before she caught sight of his hands which had been stained red. “I will forever remember this moment, Teresa. You below me, covered in the blood of someone you killed. ” His small smile became a smirk, even in her blurry vision. “You’ll be able to get the blood off you, Teresa, as it isn’t permanent. But let it serve as a warning; anyone foolish enough to fall in love with a serial killer deserves a punishment worse than being unable to relieve one’s sexual urges.” He leaned down again and she felt him brush his hand against her cheek. “One day, I’ll be back to give you and Grace what you both deserve. Because like Grace, you’ll never be free of me.”

Lisbon stared up at Jane and he stared down at her.

“Goodbye, Teresa.”

His echoing footsteps and another deafening shot of the gun curbed her need to cry, as she needed to know if Van Pelt was okay. Naked and in shame, Lisbon moved from the blood stained concrete floor and knew that she had no right to cry; she deserved everything that the CBI, that Sarah Harrigan, that Van Pelt would throw at her, just because her tiny infraction of sleeping with Jane, of having a relationship with a fellow CBI employee, had cost them all more than she had ever truly anticipated.

Jane was right, Lisbon realized with a lurch as she stood still, I really am the world’s most oblivious and ignorant Senior Agent.

Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five 1/2 - Part Five 2/2 - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine 1/2 - Part Nine 2/2 - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - Part Fourteen - Part Fifteen - Part Sixteen 1/2 - Part Seventeen - Part Eighteen - Part Nineteen - Part Twenty 1/2 - Part Twenty 2/2 - Part Twenty-One

project: serial killer big bang, pairing: patrick jane/teresa lisbon, pairing: red john/teresa lisbon, character: red john, character: teresa lisbon, genre: angst, fandom: the mentalist, genre: body!swap, character: patrick jane, character: team

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