FIC: Liability (1/1); The Mentalist

Feb 19, 2012 20:58

Title: Liability
Author: sirenofodysseus
Rating: T
Characters: Red John, Teresa Lisbon. RJ/TL.
Summary: There are some things that you just can't fix.
Spoilers: Up to 4x14.
Author's Notes: Written for 15genres1prompt, and it's supposed to be the genre of history. I just allowed my mind to go wherever it wanted.


“Somebody will eventually connect the dots.” Teresa Lisbon tells Red John, as they both remain seated in his study. “I know Agent Wainwright sent those files to Agent Darcy, and Darcy isn’t an idiot.”

Red John titters. “I had seriously hoped that Mr. Jane would have gotten rid of the woman, but the man is utterly reckless and obtrusive.”

“Jane says the same thing about you, sir.” Lisbon responds playfully, and Red John sighs. “I know I shouldn’t be here tonight, but I know that Darcy has my personnel file.”

“Why would she have your personnel file, Teresa?” Red John inquires. Lisbon blinks and bows her head in response. “Teresa?”

“Jane let it slip to Darcy that he believes there’s another mole in the CBI.” Lisbon replies. “Darcy asked Wainwright to hand over the Red John evidence boxes, and then give her copies of all personnel files from anybody who has worked on the Red John case-dead or alive.” Red John glances down at his desk, before he shakes his head slowly. “Do you remember that I had listed I was married on my transfer paperwork?”

“Of course I do.” Red John responds. “I believe I told you to check married, because I wanted the world to know that you were mine.” Lisbon throws him a soft smile and eyes the candle on his desk.

“Then, you’ll remember that I had specifically asked Minelli to conceal my marriage from the team, and we both know it wasn’t because I was embarrassed to be married.” Red John nods. “It’s because of what you do, and what we’ve both done together.” She takes his hand in hers across the desk. “We gave my husband a fake identity, because your name would have popped red flags. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Darcy starts to hint that somebody should trail me in two weeks.”

Red John sighs and pulls his hand from hers. “I see.”

Lisbon looks somewhat hopeful. “Can we fix this?”

Red John shakes his head again. “I’m afraid not, Teresa. You have a history with me, and now that you might be investigated?” Red John leans toward his desk phone and smirks. “You’ve become a liability; one that I can’t afford to keep around just because you’re good in bed.”

genre: history, fanfiction: the mentalist, pairing: teresa lisbon/red john, character: red john, character: teresa lisbon, writing things: 15genres1prompt

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