In honor of keikokin ....

May 19, 2007 23:53

I thought I'd post a quick entry.  I soooo want to write but I've got the biggest writer's block I've ever known.  All these ideas come up and nothing comes of them.  *sigh*  At least I've read some fantastic stories lately!  If you're a HP slash fan and a H/D shipper you have to read SlashPervert!  So far it's a 4 part series and absolutely ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

Eros and Thanathos quicksilverdm May 28 2007, 17:49:48 UTC
You asked me to tell you more about Eros and Thanathos. If you could give me your e-mail adress, I don't mind sharing the info as soon as I've got some time (Exams are starting in less than a week here in Belgium). It's easier for me to send a mail than leave a comment on LJ.


Re: Eros and Thanathos thrnbrooke May 28 2007, 20:17:54 UTC
My email is Good luck on your exams! My mother's best friend is from Belgium. My mother is from Holland. So I love hearing about the two countries as well!


roedhunt June 23 2007, 07:25:59 UTC
OMG! I saw your review on cutieDraco's lj and I just have to ask. Are you the same thrnbrooke that leaves me reviews on forever fandom and adult fan fiction? I never knew you were here if it is! *g*


thrnbrooke June 23 2007, 07:46:26 UTC
Yep! It's me!


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