Title: the one with the ants (or why macgyver is not a good role model)
ihatefastcars (girlcalledjane @ yahoo.com)
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Character/Pairing: Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Ronon
Rating: PG
Summary: God, he fucking hated bugs. 2924 words. (9/19/05)
Disclaimer: Not mine, thank you.
Feedback: Feedback (general or con-crit) is always welcome.
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Comments 4
Brilliant piece - seriously XD
So you know, I've added this to my memories :D I showed the link to a friend last night, and she got a heck of a laugh out of it too XD I plan to use it for a pick-me-up whenever I need one :)
Also, I've totally seen that episode of MacGyver *giggles*
Oh! And I want John to talk to the jumpers! And the jumper to talk back *weeps at the beautiful picture*
Also, I'm sort of imagining them getting back to Atlantis and having sweaty OT4 sex. Because they totally need to. Lots and lots. It makes me happy to think of it.
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