Shall we begin with Mickey's disreputable cousin, Sleezy?
Okay, then how about some two-headed chickens?
Weirdly bisected and somewhat Boschian, the duck napkin-holder is only mildly creepy if you look for that sort of thing. The double-headed rooster-cup I'm genuinely unhappy with. It's like a sacrificial chalice for the Great Cock God, with mad staring eyes and fearsome wattles. It's a little lopsided, but that's okay, the artist was probably utterly insane, or haunted by chickens.
Hateful, hateful squirrel-thing. This was part of a massive pile of similer carved articles, including about 50 wooden war-turtles and a nursery of retarded raccoons. It's apparently a stocking-holder or otherwise hook-based hang-thing,
but I wouldn't put anything I valued on it. Particularly since mom tends to put nuts in my christmas stocking, there'd be shreds and tatters left. Then it would probably start eating the candles. And then the dog, she's old and not very fast.
Lovecraftian fans might recognize our next offering as The Howler in Darkness.
Or possibly a festive water-toy. The jury's out.
...out of their minds...
Finally, Sleezy. I wish the camera had caught the full glory of this one. When I found him, he was lying across another stuffed beastie so his pelvis was thrust proudly forward, breathable linen pants pulled halfway down his mouse-shanks. I might respect his brother Mickey more if Mickey sported that patented "do me" smirk, but Mickey didn't spend 10 years of his life making Bollywood pr0n. That was probably the big rift between him and Walt.
Incidentally, googling for "Bollywood porn" turns up some very lively and weird youtube hits.
Best wishes on what, I hope, is a lovely spring day with few if any devil chickens,
Spotty Logic