01 || Video

Aug 17, 2011 11:26

[All that’s showing is a blur of ground and leaves. The sound keeps crackling in and out, what little audio there is mostly consisting of harsh ringing tone each time the Pokegear is whipped around through the air, and thunked against the ground. Brand new, and it’s already getting the rough treatment.]

[There’s something else of interest, however. ( Read more... )

+minnie, +roxas, +rise, riku the female aipom, +namine, +aqua, insert pokemon theme here, the curse of the pokegear, +marluxia, [route 29], now its 0 to 1, +cruz, +kaito, +leon, +hayate, +midori, +heather, quick push all the buttons, +riku, buttonmash!, +lightning

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Comments 163

1/3 seasalttwilight August 17 2011, 01:33:54 UTC
[And Roxas sighs to go into help the newbie mode]

It's the---


2/3 seasalttwilight August 17 2011, 01:35:58 UTC
[It's really hard to tell if his face is excited or surprised or just flat out angry because dammit Sora you left and you weren't supposed to, you promised you weren't and now you're back and yeah. What are emotions and how do I deal with them?]


3/3 seasalttwilight August 17 2011, 01:36:35 UTC

[Asked tentatively. Just to make sure]


thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 01:40:38 UTC
[Give him a second- what is technology, really?]

That's me! [For all the world a little bubble of sunshine; he's completely unaware of how much effect his next words could, will have.]

And you are?


1/3 video islandshore August 17 2011, 02:12:28 UTC
[... ... ...



islandshore August 17 2011, 02:13:17 UTC
[Definitely Sora. Nevermind the fact that he's probably referring to the Pokémon as Riku...

He's back. And he's just the way he remembers him. Inner glee? Totally.]


islandshore August 17 2011, 02:13:46 UTC
[... not that he's gonna show it. This is Riku, after all.]

Took you long enough.

['sup, biffle?]


thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 02:20:22 UTC
[Oh Riku, your cool kid ways are bound to confuse and baffle this poor kid for the rest of his life. But right now, the magic of video technology has Sora's face breaking into a huge grin, scrambling to get the feed back up.]

Riku?! [The Aipom on his shoulder chatters away, waving a hand in front of Sora's face. She's right there, he doesn't have to yell.]

No, not you I-

But what happened to Ansem?


video her_mouse_jesty August 17 2011, 02:21:57 UTC
[omg, all of the happies.]

Sora! Thank goodness!


thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 02:31:17 UTC
[Every happy ever, with a small side of derp!]

Yeah! It is good! [Ever enthusiastic, always.]

...Who are you?


her_mouse_jesty August 17 2011, 02:35:00 UTC
... Oh, dear. We have to go through this again?

... Well, I suppose it's better than not seeing you.

I'm Queen Minnie Mouse, the wife of the King! I've been turned into a human!


thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 02:48:21 UTC
Queen Minn-

[The King's wife?!]

Woah! But I thought you were a- um-

Human, huh? That's kind of weird; your Majesty.

[Donald would kill him for his lack of propriety.]


video watersbound August 17 2011, 02:37:34 UTC
[oh hey there.]

Welcome back, Sora.


video thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 02:50:40 UTC
Thanks, I guess!

[Lucky he has Roxas to fill him in, or this would be all kinds of awkward. At least this lady looks sort of familiar...]

I don't remember being here, but- we were friends, right? Can we start over?


video watersbound August 21 2011, 08:18:23 UTC
[She actually hadn't been entirely sure if Sora remembered meeting her, or just got to know her the first time she was here. She nods, though.]

Of course. My name is Aqua.


Re: video thricebeatheart September 1 2011, 14:24:45 UTC
[Everyone and their mother seems to have known Sora at some point- but then, that's just how he is.]

Right! Nice to meet you, Aqua! [There's a niggling at the back of his mind, one that says there's more to this meeting than a chance first, but as it is, he's trying to watch the Gear and keep from tripping as he walks along. It's more of a challenge than one would think.]

You know, I haven't really asked yet- but what's this world like?

[And what's with that music-]


[video] restardom August 17 2011, 03:07:48 UTC
[ she hadn't expected that voice, but it rings achingly familiar, and Rise instinctively jerks her head towards the screen. Could it seriously-- ]



[video] thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 03:12:46 UTC

[Hello there, person he doesn't know. He should probably warn you about that one-]


[video] restardom August 17 2011, 04:16:01 UTC
[ probably, considering she is lighting up like CHRISTMAS. ]

Welcome back!!


[video] thricebeatheart August 17 2011, 09:46:56 UTC
[Yeaaah, so about that pretty close, sisterly relationship-]

Uh...but I don't remember being here before.

It's like my first time all over again.


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