In which she has her own way of protesting...

Aug 08, 2007 01:01

I apologize for not putting this behind a cut, but I felt the people at LJ/6A would want you to see this.

Read more... )

comm: the_sc_files, lj, pics, edits, heroes, nothing, random, pimping, spoilers

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Comments 18

lastwordslinger August 8 2007, 06:42:38 UTC
Based on that Claire's boyfriend spoiler... I'm starting to think that they are trying to appease the Paire fans by making this guy somewhat Peter-esque. Which... is creepy in its own rite. LOL!


threthiel9 August 8 2007, 15:24:36 UTC
*reads comment over multiple times* I believe the words 'DO NOT WANT' best sum up my feeling towards this.

Paire was just one of those ship I could never jump onto. Which is weird, because (as mentioned above) I don't have much of a problem with Peter/Nathan or Nathan/Claire, which should be worse than Paire, but... *shudder*

I guess as long as they don't try to appease the Sycah fans we should be (for the most part) safe.


hymenchan August 8 2007, 17:49:05 UTC
I actually disagree! Because as soon as I heard that he could fly I was thinking OMGWTFBBQELECTRACOMPLEXLULZHAIDADDEH????




threthiel9 August 9 2007, 03:21:42 UTC

Electra complex FTW. And dude, I still want Noairthan. (Or was it Noathaire? Either way you know what I mean.)


chrryblssmninja August 8 2007, 10:15:44 UTC
What's that thing again where girls tend to go for guys that remind them of one of their two fathers?
oh dear. They're really pushing the messed up ships, aren't they?


threthiel9 August 8 2007, 15:27:28 UTC
You're tellin' me. *considers for a moment that she is doing nothing to help the situation, and is probably making it worse due to the fact that she created a comm for father/daughter fic...of that kind*


entity22 August 8 2007, 10:43:38 UTC
honestly I'm not big on Claire's new boyfriend and I am a bit worried it might ruin Claire's story(or maybe I'm just afraid they'll cut the HRG/Claire cuteness) and I was never interested in Paire(don't start throwing rocks at me now :D)but I am oh so interested in HRG/Claire so I'm going to special Hell .End of ramble !


threthiel9 August 8 2007, 15:34:36 UTC
Yeah, me too. Although it's somewhat comforting knowing that the only way I can see this story going is for the two to become pretty damn close, only to have West (or whatever his name is) die a sudden violent death.

Or is that just me?

I think its a safe bet that the awesome that is Noaire won't be cut (at least not too much). For as much as they're pushing the whole Bennet-family dynamic for next year, I'd say these two are pretty safe. *agrees with you whole-heartedly about Paire*

And feel free to join me on my way to Special Hell. I've got a private train car and everything!


entity22 August 8 2007, 15:41:05 UTC
Ok,I'll buy one ticket to the private train car to Special Hell and maybe some complementary drinks if possible !

Oh I could totally see tragedy striking West,seriously (and it's going to happen if it cuts the Noaire or,in less Hell worthy words, Bennet cuteness)


candidlily August 8 2007, 11:12:32 UTC
Picture FTW! \o/


threthiel9 August 8 2007, 15:54:15 UTC
I'm considering sending it to LJ/6A, or at least posting it as a comment over in lj_biz.



aurora_84 August 8 2007, 12:22:27 UTC
Ahahah, poor Mohinder. Jail will be tough on a pretty guy like him.

Also, Claire's new boyfriend can supposedly fly.
Woah, transference much?


threthiel9 August 8 2007, 15:57:20 UTC
I suspect he'll be everyone's prison!wife. I hope the guy's got some soap on a rope stashed away.

Dude, tell me about it. You know there's gonna be so much fic of the two of them getting it on, only she keeps thinking of Nathan the whole time because, y'know, that's what I'd be doing.


aurora_84 August 9 2007, 17:50:16 UTC
Seriously, his trading value will be ginormously high. :))

You know there's gonna be so much fic of the two of them getting it on, only she keeps thinking of Nathan the whole time because, y'know, that's what I'd be doing
Ahahaha, TOTALLY!!


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