In which she "is quite anxious to document it"...

May 27, 2007 17:04

Just a few random things, and a crapton of memes...

I. First and foremost I have to say that my firstborn child belongs to 711icons for the above icon. Because, YES, it is (I assume) THAT BIG, and would reach ALL THE WAY UP THERE.

II. Ogodogodogodogodogodogod. Someone over at mylar_fic did a post on nekkid!Sendhil-in-a-wig. Complete with video and stills! *is ded ( Read more... )

father of my children, heroes_meta, comm: mylar_fic, mylar, icons, memes, wtf?, heroes, flist: cazrolime, omg, randomness, comm: heroes_meta

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Comments 7

lastwordslinger May 28 2007, 01:26:31 UTC
Can you link to the entry for "II"...? I can't find it. And I wanna see and squee, too!


threthiel9 May 28 2007, 02:39:05 UTC
Hrmm, I can't seem to find the entry, either. Methinks it may have been deleted.

But fear not! Thanks to the amazingness of LJ Seek I've found said link in the original poster's journal!

I'm warning you, though. It is bad. Like, highly disturbing WTF-is-that?! bad.


lastwordslinger May 28 2007, 20:10:16 UTC
Oh... my... God? I am confused and yet... He is the definition of pretty. He would have made a better King David. You know, gorgeous beyond all reason, dances everywhere... Just my two cents, lol.


threthiel9 May 28 2007, 23:28:33 UTC
You know, gorgeous beyond all reason, dances everywhere...

Well, yes but that'd be too easy. None of that "challenge of being a good actor" business. Then again, I'm not so sure "running about buck-ass nekkid" is very far from his real life adventures, so...


chrryblssmninja May 28 2007, 08:57:16 UTC
I must steal that name meme. -ninja-dashes off into the night-


cazrolime May 29 2007, 10:51:44 UTC
*steadfastly refuses to apologise for the memes*

...I'm quite interested in why there seems to be green smoke coming out of the Box. *peers closer*


threthiel9 May 29 2007, 18:27:26 UTC
It's magical, and glows. It's also made of kryptonite.


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