Happy Spotlight Week!

Dec 23, 2008 14:19

D To Thom,

Thank you so much for your postcard. I have refrained from putting “the back of beyond” at the end of your address, even though no one has ever heard of where you are staying.

I am glad you and Rook are having such adventures, and even more glad that you are, well, at least getting on. I thought for a while it was more likely that you would get it on! I’m sorry, that’s a terrible joke. I always ramble when I am nervous, you know this, I did it from the moment I met you. You are so lucky to have your big brother back. If I could.

My brother was a lot like Rook. I remember how we talked and laughed about this and pitied anyone related to Rook. The irony of it all rather leaves one breathless, no? He was far too arrogant, and that’s what got him, that’s what took him away in the end, and he told terrible jokes and encouraged Luv’s dirty ones. And we didn’t always get on, we were so little alike, and far too alike, at least that’s what mother always said. But, if I could only have, if he came back to me, I.

You have a second chance. Take it. Even though he is an out and out irritating too loud jumped up little pissant who doesn’t even believe that’s a word. You never asked for this advice, but I’m giving it and you should take it. I know, I know, taking advice from me, who was only ever good at one thing, and now is good for nothing. I’m sorry, I’m occasionally inclined to self pity. Never fear, the moment has passed. The advice is sound, nonetheless.

This letter is verging on the idiotic and if you show it to Rook I will hunt you down and crush you. I think I could, you know, now.

Keep me updated on your travels. And send a letter to Marius if you haven’t, and Hal too. He visits, you know. Adamo gave him a key to the Airman, to make a pair.



PS. I am going to blame the many crossings out on the difficulty of writing with these, and not my inability to communicate.


Of course Rook calls it “the arse end of nowhere” I expect nothing less from him. He sent us a card, eventually. Did you have a hand in that, by any chance? His bar rating system amused Ghislain no end. Though I note no mention of whorehouses. Maybe your lessons had some effect after all.

I am glad you took the advice in the spirit in which it was given. I am a horrible teacher, that much is clear, and these days I have nothing to do but philosophise and inflict my thoughts on others.

But now, you say you are always appreciating getting Rook? John? back as your brother, and sometimes getting along with him as a man, and I admire you for it, and will try and keep up my end of the bargain, practice what I preach and listen to your most wise counsel. I do not know what I could do, but yes, there must be something I could do, (although I fear calling me a “man of many talents” is going a little far) and not just hang around the Airman, like some sort of over dressed ghost.

The Airman is too quiet these days. There are too few of us. I miss the arguments about the rules of the game and Ivory’s damn piano playing and Rooks endless litany of complaints about it. I miss your stoic defiance, and mutterings to yourself as you read, and your grammatical corrections. I fear my tenses may start to slip terribly, return at once!

And obviously I need your advice. I feel better already for it. I have lost a lot but, as you say, I have so much left. Unlike too many others. So I can find a purpose, because a man without a purpose is a truly tragic thing. And if I keep moping I think Adamo will smother me in my sleep.

I shall ask Marius if there are any pictures of the gardens in the Versity library, they sound astounding.

Thank you.


PS. Yes, you did make me nervous.

I hope this is tagged ok etc. Lack of Balfour rectified?


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