Alicia walked down the hall, her mind made up. Today was the day. It was now or never. Part of Alicia wondered if maybe it should be never. No. I can do this.
Alicia paused outside the door to one of the rooms, straining to see if she could hear anything coming from inside. The only thing she heard was the soft tapping of someone typing and the occasional giggle. Alicia’s heart jumped and she couldn’t suppress the grin that spread across her face. God, I’m so far gone. Even just the sound of her laughter through the door makes me all weak in the knees.
Alicia closed her eyes and tried to collect herself. Then, taking a deep breath, she swung open the door, about to confess her love, but the sight before her stopped the words in her throat.
If you decide to have Alicia be in the wrong room,
click here.
If you decide to have Alicia decide words are for losers,
click here.