Scorched CR Chart

Nov 27, 2010 00:29

In process

character relationships.

Dawn is like the little sister he's never had. Or he's guessing that she is, since he's never really had a little sister before, but he gets the feeling how he sees her is how JJ, Emily and Garcia tend to see him. Not only that, but they have shared experiences in common, and that has lead him to feel a sort of bond with her that he hasn't with others. To him, Dawn is someone he wants to protect, even if she has already gone through hell.

Dawn Summers ► Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

Aizen is someone Reid feels is an intellectual equal. He's someone he can talk to and have a conversation with and walk away from it not feeling as if he just talked three miles over someone's head and all they got from the conversation is that he's weird.

Of course, he's also just found out that apparently Aizen has committed murder, so he's not exactly sure WHAT to make of him right now.

Sousuke Aizen ► BLEACH

While Reid understands now that some worlds have different ways of working and what he knows as truth might not necessarily be for others, he's still fully convinced that she's suffering from some sort of grand delusion/psychosis. She's also at the top of the DO NOT BE AROUND OR MEET OUT IN A CORNFIELD list.

Bellatrix Lestrang ► Harry Potter

Reid isn't quite sure what to make of Jen. She seems dipsy to him and rather superficial, but he's not sure if that's merely what she wants people to think of her or not.

*Jennifer Check ► Jennifer's Body

While Reid doesn't know her name or anything else about her, he has had a rather interesting conversation with her and wouldn't mind the chance for future ones as well.

Lust ► Fullmetal Alchemist

Reid doesn't exactly understand what a "Eighth Division Captain" is, and it's certainly on his lists of things to find out about, but at the moment, all he knows is that from their short conversation, Shunsui reminds him of a strange conglomeration of his mentor, Jason Gideon and his fellow agent, David Rossi. He's not exactly sure WHY he feels like this, but he does.

*Kyouraku Shunsui ► BLEACH

Captain of the Police Force and technically Reid's boss in Anatole. Reid's not exactly sure what to make of Byakuya, from their limited interactions, he finds himself equating the man to his own boss in the FBI, Aaron Hotchner. Although he's sure that Hotch has probably blinked more then Captain Kuchiki. Although not by much.

Byakuya Kuchiki ► BLEACH

Riza is one of the few people that Reid's talked to in depth about things from home. She is the one that he's confessed his transgressions to, things that he hasn't even admitted to the team. He believes she is a kindered spirit, one who understands the nightmares and the guilt.

And now I have to add: Riza is probably as close to a BFF that Spencer will ever get to in Anatole. The fact that he feels as if he can talk to her about anything, not feel judged for it, plus she's one of the only people that he's openly ever admitted his various faults too. Trust is not something Spencer gives easily, but Riza has more then earned it.

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye ► Fullmetal Alchemist

Reid's not entirely sure what to make of Spike, but Dawn knows him and seems to trust him, plus he was rather concerned for the girl when she had accidentally turned herself into a ball of green light, so that makes Spike okay in his book as far as he's concerned.

Spike ► Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

Although he doesn't know Lilly very well, he does consider her an ally, especially since they're both law enforcement officers. He enjoys working with her on cases and would like to eventually get to know her better someday.

Lilly Rush ► Cold Case

Although he's never talked to her at length, she is someone that he's taken to keeping an eye on over the network. Especially considering the way Bellatrix had been talking to her. To him, Rapunzel symbolizes everything that he works for, the innocence still left in a world that, at times, sometimes feels as if it's completely full of monsters and nothing more.

Rapunzel ► Tangled



*Indicates characters no longer in Anatole

[ Chart stolen from here. ]

!cr chart, @scorched

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