Leave your message at the.... something

Nov 21, 2010 00:29

You've reached the Forge of Supervisory Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to either read or listen to your message at this time. However, as soon as I am able, I will get back to you.

!ic contact, @scorched

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Comments 26

[voice] girl_unlocking January 4 2011, 23:57:29 UTC
Hi. I'm leaving a video cause you didn't mention anything about seeing a message so...

...yeah, I don't really know either. [Self, what?] I kind of have a question about...

...it's kind of about...

...an UnSub?


[voice] threedoctorates January 5 2011, 00:12:39 UTC
Miss Summers?

[There's a pause, because he's concerned about her and he's gathering his thoughts.]

Ah... all right. I'll try to answer the best that I am able to.


[voice] girl_unlocking January 5 2011, 00:26:48 UTC
There's a guy. And I like him. Not like him, like him...

...okay, well kind of. He's really handsome and smart and he's super nice to me. He's teaching me stuff. Not shady stuff. Book stuff ...stuff. He's the ...possible UnSub?

But then someone else, who's also really nice, and not full of crap or shady at all ...told me that the uh, UnSub is dangerous and killed a bunch of people. Tried to kill more. Hence the UnSubbing? [Makes a handy way to avoid naming names, too.]


What would you do?


[voice] threedoctorates January 5 2011, 02:17:44 UTC
[Is silent for a moment, trying to process what she's telling him.]

Someone that you met here, in Anatole, who you apparently look up to, has reportedly killed people back in his or her own world. Or has, as far as you understand, because someone else, who presumably knows this UnSub and what he has done, has told you.

[There's another pause, as he gathers his thoughts.]

At the very least, I'd be cautious, Miss Summers.

... if you'd like, I could investigate this. Perhaps come up with some sort of profile for you.


[voice] firebornfidelis May 18 2011, 01:50:14 UTC

[She's trying to sound polite but there is a definite undercurrent of distress in her voice.]

I don't mean to bother you. But if you aren't too busy, I could use your help.


[voice] threedoctorates May 18 2011, 02:15:00 UTC
You're never a bother, Riza.

What's wrong?


[voice] firebornfidelis May 18 2011, 02:34:39 UTC
[She breathes out, quiet and a little relieved.]

It's the Colonel. He's missing. And his dog is gone, too.

[A pause.]

I also can't get in contact with Scar, another man from my world. I'm afraid they may have... disappeared.

[And I'm here all alone, left behind remains unsaid, but it's heavy in her voice.]


[voice] threedoctorates May 18 2011, 02:49:34 UTC
[The reply is almost instantaneous.]

Where are you? I'll help you look for them.


[video] girl_unlocking December 21 2011, 00:54:43 UTC
Do sharks get gas?

[ ...idek]


lisannia March 21 2013, 21:10:23 UTC

[Slight hesitation]

Hello, Dr. Reid, my name is Lisannia. Lisannia Taylor.

[There's a sigh, then a pause]

Well, I'm not even certain that you'll be checking your messages any time soon, so before I continue, would you please give me a call back to let me know you received this?

[Another pause, and then a softly spoken] I'd appreciate it. Thank you.


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