Open Tables & Table Suggestions.

Sep 20, 2008 11:48

To claim a table, comment over here.

If a table is here, it has not been claimed.

Cats.01. Abyssinian.02. Persian.03. Siberian.04. Burmese.05. Russian Blue.06. Sokoke.07. Siamese.08. Egyptian Mau.09. Exotic.10. Snowshoe.
Here is the table code:

01. Abyssinian.02. Persian.03. Siberian.04. Burmese.05. Russian Blue.
06. Sokoke.07. Siamese.08. Egyptian Mau.09. Exotic.10. Snowshoe.

Animals1. Horse.2. Rabbit.3. Deer.4. Lion.5. Tiger.6. Antelope.7. Dog.8. Cat.9. Wolf.10. Lepoard.11. Cheetah.12. Fox.13. Bear.14. Cow.15. Pig.16. Sheep.17. Donkey.18. Coyote.19. Giraffe.20. Zebra.
The code for this table is:

1. Horse.2. Rabbit.3. Deer.4. Lion.5. Tiger.
6. Antelope.7. Dog.8. Cat.9. Wolf.10. Lepoard.
11. Cheetah.12. Fox.13. Bear.14. Cow.15. Pig.
16. Sheep.17. Donkey.18. Coyote.19. Giraffe.20. Zebra.

The above table was made by sapphire_melody!

Common Physical Education Sports01. Swimming02. Track03. Basketball04. Soccer05. Baseball06. Tennis07. Football08. Lacross09. Volleyball10. Dance
The code for this table:

Common Physical Education Sports
01. Swimming02. Track03. Basketball04. Soccer05. Baseball
06. Tennis07. Football08. Lacross09. Volleyball10. Dance

The above table was created by newtypeshadow!

Forteana (Paranormal)01. Sea serpent.02. Crop circles.03. Stonehenge.04. Atlantis.05. Near-death experience.06. Will-o'-the-wisp.07. Abominable snowman.08. Bermuda Triangle.09. Ghost ship.10. Poltergeist.
The code for the table is:

Forteana (Paranormal)
01. Sea serpent.02. Crop circles.03. Stonehenge.04. Atlantis.05. Near-death experience.
06. Will-o'-the-wisp.07. Abominable snowman.08. Bermuda Triangle.09. Ghost ship.10. Poltergeist.

The above table was made mhari!

Taken From:Birddiary 1. Bluejay.2. Robin.3. Hawk.4. Crow.5. Falcon.6. Swan.7. Cockatoo.8. Ostrage.9. Finch.10. Parrot.11. Duck.12. Chicken.13. Goose.14. Penguine.15. Eagle.16. Nightingale.17. Mockingbird.18. Lark.19. Owl.20. Dove.21. Pigeon.22. Seagull.23. Magpie.24. Bald eagle.25. Partridge.26. Swallow.27. Warbler.28. Bat.29. Crane.30. Stork.31. Woodpecker.32. Starling.33. Cuckoo.34. Blackbird.35. Bluebird.36. Pheasant.37. Sparrow.38. Raven.39. Canary.40. Flamingo.41. Buzzard.42. Sandgrouse.43. Pelican.44. Thrush.45. Wheatear.46. Vulture.47. Firecrest.48. Goldcrest.49. Golden Eagle.50. Sandpiper.51. Plover.52. Bunting.53. Griffin.54. Grouse.55. Foul.56. Ivory Gull.57. Jay.58. Kestrel.59. Killdeer.60. Kingfisher.61. Plover.62. Shrike.63. Whitethroat.64. Woodcock.65. Linnet.66. Tit.67. Mallard.68. Pipit.69. Merlin.70. Nighthawk.71. Heron.72. Nightjar.73. Oriole.74. Nutcracker.75. Skylark.76. Turtle Dove.77. Osprey.78. Ovenbird.79. Oystercatcher.80. Snipe.81. Sunbird.82. Pintail.83. Puffin.84. Hen.85. Turkey.86. Quail.87. Razorbill.88. Red-billed Tropicbird.89. Redhead.90. Bluetail.91. Redwing.92. Parakeet.93. Sanderling.94. Serin.95. Shearwater.96. Spoonbill.97. Teal.98. Whimbrel.99. Woodlark.100. Wren.
The code for this table:

Taken From:" _fcksavedurl="">Birddiary
1. Bluejay.2. Robin.3. Hawk.4. Crow.5. Falcon.6. Swan.7. Cockatoo.8. Ostrage.9. Finch.10. Parrot.
11. Duck.12. Chicken.13. Goose.14. Penguine.15. Eagle.16. Nightingale.17. Mockingbird.18. Lark.19. Owl.20. Dove.
21. Pigeon.22. Seagull.23. Magpie.24. Bald eagle.25. Partridge.26. Swallow.27. Warbler.28. Bat.29. Crane.30. Stork.
31. Woodpecker.32. Starling.33. Cuckoo.34. Blackbird.35. Bluebird.36. Pheasant.37. Sparrow.38. Raven.39. Canary.40. Flamingo.
41. Buzzard.42. Sandgrouse.43. Pelican.44. Thrush.45. Wheatear.46. Vulture.47. Firecrest.48. Goldcrest.49. Golden Eagle.50. Sandpiper.
51. Plover.52. Bunting.53. Griffin.54. Grouse.55. Foul.56. Ivory Gull.57. Jay.58. Kestrel.59. Killdeer.60. Kingfisher.
61. Plover.62. Shrike.63. Whitethroat.64. Woodcock.65. Linnet.66. Tit.67. Mallard.68. Pipit.69. Merlin.70. Nighthawk.
71. Heron.72. Nightjar.73. Oriole.74. Nutcracker.75. Skylark.76. Turtle Dove.77. Osprey.78. Ovenbird.79. Oystercatcher.80. Snipe.
81. Sunbird.82. Pintail.83. Puffin.84. Hen.85. Turkey.86. Quail.87. Razorbill.88. Red-billed Tropicbird.89. Redhead.90. Bluetail.
91. Redwing.92. Parakeet.93. Sanderling.94. Serin.95. Shearwater.96. Spoonbill.97. Teal.98. Whimbrel.99. Woodlark.100. Wren.

The above table was made by sapphire_melody!

More tables to come!

Table Suggestions.

If you want to submit a table for us to use, please comment here with the table itself and a link to its code. It may be altered, but I'll explain exactly what I'll change before I do it. Any tables that are submitted will get credit.

If you don't want to make a table, but want to suggest a table theme, or some words and so on, comment here and let me know. I am always willing to build one with new ideas, and you will get credit for helping.


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