player ►Name:Journal: You can keep this private if you want; it's mostly for reference.
IM/E-Mail: We require an email in order for you to use the wiki. If you're uncomfortable leaving this public, notify one of the mods upon acceptance and tell us it then.
Current Characters: If you play any characters here currently, list them here.
character ►Name:Fandom: History: If your character has a small backstory, please talk to one of the mods and we'll give a say on whether or not they can be considered appable. Otherwise, we aren't looking for an essay. A summation of events significant in your character's life is sufficient.
Starting Abilities: Describe here, if relevant, how you're toning down your characters' supernatural abilities.
Personality: The most important section on your application.
Mental Realm: Describe your characters' Mental Realm while explaining your choices. A well written section here should demonstrate your understanding of both the game's setting and your character's inner workings. In addition, if you're accepted, this has a high chance of being used later on in the game in some way. So it's worth it to do a good job.
writing samples ►First Person: At least 100 words, please.
Third Person: At least 250 words here. Make sure at least one of the samples pertains to (or takes place in) this game.
Applications are now open!
► Please see the
rules page for our policies on AUs, OCs and duplicates; and see
here on character abilities.
► Be sure you've read all the applicable information posts before submitting an application. We know it's a lot of reading, but it's important, and it'll definitely be obvious on your app if you did or not! Also consider using the
potential applications page, and check
our reserves first.
► The overall character limit is six, with two per fandom per player. If you feel that you can exceed either of these limits and still remain reasonably active, please
speak to a mod individually.
► If you're asked for a revision on your app, you have a week to respond. If you don't, we'll assume you've lost interest, and your claim on the character is lost.
► There is no wait time between apps. If we receive two applications for the same character, we will judge them against each other and accept only one. On some occasions we may decline both of them.
► Feel free to reuse parts of apps from other games provided you've written them yourself. If you're re-apping after having dropped that character here before, you can recycle your old app, but there's no certainty you'll be accepted again.