Dan Simmonds, age 6
This Saturday friends of Dan will gather at NYC's LGBT Community Services Center to remember and celebrate his life. I'm looking forward to seeing many of his friends there, many of them coming from far and wide (Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Texas, Quebec). If you were a friend of Dan, I hope you'll be there, even in spirit.
How you can remember and celebrate Dan if you can't be there:
This Saturday, between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 EST,
- wear a festive hat, or
- visit his Live Journal,
danbearnyc, and enjoy the fun videos, URLs, pictures, and writings, or
- visit
Stirred Straight or
Chateau Thombeau (heir of Planet Fabulon), two of Dan's favorite websites, for even more fabulousness, or
- watch an old movie, or
- do something in or with, um, a sling or rim chair. Dan enjoyed sex almost as much and possibly more than old movies, and he was damn good at it, too. Or,
- gather with friends, old and new, and take in some of your city's attractions, or share a good meal, or
Click to view
And for those of you in the area:
A Memorial Gathering for Dan Simmonds
danbearnyc, a.k.a. "Mother")
2-4 pm, Saturday, March 6
LGBT Community Services Center
208 West 13th St (off Seventh Ave), New York City
It’s an opportunity for friends of Dan to let their hair down, share their stories, memories, and faaabulous tchotchkes, and to camp it up in a Busby Berkeley-worthy production number to sing Mother into Technicolor on the Planet Fabulon (or at the Queens Home for Queens, depending on which version of the story you prefer).
Sartorial suggestions: Warhol girl, Dreamland girl, cobra cult priestess, Carmen Miranda, Mama Rose, Nancy Sinatra, PSA flight attendant, lesbian pirate from outer space, Batman and Robin, Judah Ben-Hur. Tiaras or other festive headwear, leather, other drag, formal mourning and/or disco attire are likewise encouraged.
I hope to see you there.