[fic] of hope and promise on dragonwings (Pern)

Mar 01, 2009 18:35

of hope and promise on dragonwingsFandom: The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey ( Read more... )

fic: pern, fic: 2009

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thistlerose March 2 2009, 02:50:05 UTC
Thank you so much!! I've always wondered about Mirrim. And I really like her, despite her brattiness. I'm so glad you liked this!


ibis_thoth March 2 2009, 00:55:38 UTC
That was a very enjoyable story of how the first day could have gone.


thistlerose March 2 2009, 02:49:02 UTC
Thank you! :)


boosette March 2 2009, 01:24:34 UTC

This is another story I didn't know I wanted to read until I read it. Just - oh, Mirrim. ♥. She's always been one of my favorites, too, despite her sometimes grating personality. And you consistently nail dragon-voices, which is always lovely.


thistlerose March 2 2009, 02:52:57 UTC
Thank you!! :)

Hee. Dragons are fun to write.

For some reason, Mirrim's always gotten a free pass with me. I think it's the female green rider thing. Plus her Impression in Dragondrums is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series.


boosette March 2 2009, 15:34:05 UTC
Absolutely - Mirrim is appealing (to me now, as an adult; when I was fourteen I loved her because she was aggressive and assertive and because her Impression scene was awesome) because she falls outside the virgin-whore dichotomy.

I always felt that she *deserved* to Impress a dragon, and when Path (Path! ♥) chose her it was absolutely awesome.


thistlerose March 2 2009, 19:43:33 UTC
Mirrim's sort of a bridge between McCaffrey's earlier heroines (Lessa, Brekke, Menolly) who were either virginal or emphatically monogamous, and her later ones like Moreta (who will always be my favorite), Zulaya, Debera, and the "Dragonsdawn" bunch.

I think I made Path a little precocious here, but...she was precocious enough to reject the male candidates and go looking for Mirrim, so...


neotoma March 3 2009, 01:00:16 UTC
I rather liked Mirrim in the books too. She was completely herself, and I never could understand why she seemed to be punished for it -- at least, when I was a kid reading the books. Now that I'm an adult, well...

Anyway, you did a great job with this. Mirrim is brittle in a way that seems exactly right for her circumstances and character.


thistlerose March 3 2009, 03:11:50 UTC
She was kind of bossy and...oh, what's the word? She was a real busybody around the middle of the series. Even so, I liked her. Some of McCaffrey's characters can be a little too good and wholesome; Mirrim stirred things up. *g*

Anyway, I'm so glad that you liked this. Thank you!


laurel_potter March 3 2009, 03:05:50 UTC
I'll have to go back and check, but I wonder what Menolly was doing during this time? Anyway, I liked your story, and I'll have to go back and read your others.

I like Mirrim, too. It kind of bugged me that, once she Impressed the green, that no other women did. Same for Menolly becoming a Harper. Except in fandom, of course, lol.

Oh, by the way, I'm a member of Fort Weyr, the oldest Pern club around. Have you heard of it?


thistlerose March 3 2009, 03:20:05 UTC
I skimmed the novels quickly before sitting down to write this. Menolly was actually there when Mirrim Impressed. I forget WHY she was at Benden Weyr, but Piemur was with her. This was during Dragondrums, so Menolly would have been a journeyman, I think.

I know there's another female green rider in a later novel, but I never read it. And there are plenty in Dragonseye. There were also a lot more female harpers, healers, and whatever else. I think it's reflective of when McCaffrey wrote the novels. Her heroines from the 60s and 70s tended to be more virginal (or emphatically monogamous, at any rate) and happy with their more traditional roles in Pernese society. Her heroines from the 80s and 90s had lots of good sex, and were just generally more assertive. (Moreta was probably my favorite. *g ( ... )


laurel_potter March 3 2009, 16:40:02 UTC
Menolly was actually there when Mirrim Impressed.

I know, and I can't remember why she was there, either. This was the same Hatching that Jaxom Impressed Ruth, so Mirrim's Impression's in Dragondrums and Dragonflight, too.

I actually don't know much about Pern fandom on-line.

Fort Weyr has been around since the early 80s (at least), before the computer was such a big piece of our lives. When it started, we had to snail mail our stories to the editor who then put them together in a 'zine and mailed them to all the members. We still get a print copy of the 'zine, although now people send the editor their stories via email or whatever.

Fort Weyr also has a campout every summer, some of which I've attended, but not recently. My character is a Harper.


thistlerose March 3 2009, 17:23:00 UTC
This was the same Hatching that Jaxom Impressed Ruth, so Mirrim's Impression's in Dragondrums and Dragonflight, too.

No, Jaxom Impressed Ruth a couple of years earlier - though I think Menolly was there for that too. Oh, yes. Jaxom Impressed Ruth and they tried to get Brekke re-Impressed at the same Hatching. And yes, Menolly was there. Mirrim Impressed Path when F'lesssan Impressed Golanth. It's confusing. So many of the books overlap. *g*

I was twelve when I first got into Pern, and I was even't aware of fandom, on-line or otherwise. I used to write self-insert stories where I Impressed a golden dragon. :P They were pretty cheesy.

That's so awesome that Fort Weyr is still active. It sounds like fun.


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