[firefly ficlet] A Friendly Word (Simon/Kaylee, Mal)

Jun 29, 2006 21:21

A Friendly Word

Fandom: Firefly
Rating: PG
Ship: Simon/Kaylee
Summary: Mal is a little protective.
A/N: This is for louve_mae. Happy Birthday, sweetie! I hope this is a ship you like; you're the one who first recommended Firefly to me, and I'm very, very grateful. *hug* Approx. 580 words. Cross-posted to enginesex and ff_fanfic.

'Dire consequences? You mean, am I gonna kill you if you hurt our Kaylee?' )

fic: firefly: pairing: simon/kaylee, fic: firefly, fic: firefly: char.: mal, fic: 2006

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Comments 39

louve_mae June 30 2006, 02:43:01 UTC
A birthday fic for me, whoohoo! Thank you, I absolutely love it! *hugs and happy dance*


thistlerose June 30 2006, 23:26:27 UTC
For you! Happy Birthday, cherie! You're very welcome. :)


beckaandzac June 30 2006, 02:54:51 UTC
Yay for the adorable that is Simon/Kaylee! And chocolate, mmm, chocolate...


thistlerose June 30 2006, 23:26:40 UTC
Thank you! :)


mihonie June 30 2006, 05:06:29 UTC
Hahahahahahaha! Gotta give your Simon points for taste in gifts. Very cute.


thistlerose July 1 2006, 00:29:21 UTC
Kaylee deserves the best, and he knows it! Thank you! :)


ponderosa121 June 30 2006, 05:43:35 UTC
The clap became a grip.

Hee. Oh, squish. I <3 your Kaylee. And I so needs me a firefly icon.


thistlerose July 1 2006, 00:32:15 UTC
Hee. Don't be reading any Mal/Simon into that sentence... ;)

Thank you! And yes, you do need a Firefly icon.

In fact, if you felt the desire to do Firefly fanart... I'm not making a request. Just saying. I feel like the world would be a better place for it.


Fic: A Friendly World rosewillread June 30 2006, 08:52:26 UTC
Oh, yay!
I haven't read Simon/Kaylee in ages. And I've read a lot of Kaylee/Mal.
So wonderful to see it working.
And excellent Mal.


Re: Fic: A Friendly World thistlerose July 1 2006, 00:33:02 UTC
Thanks so much! :)

I can buy Mal/Kaylee when certain people write it, but when I watch the show I get brother/sister vibes from them, so that's how I tend to view them.


Re: Fic: A Friendly World secondsilk July 1 2006, 00:45:29 UTC
I think I've read maybe three Firefics that weren't yours or musesfool's. She can break Kaylee and Simon up in a way that makes sense to me. And was making too much sense, I think.
I usually see Mal and Kaylee as sibling-like, too, although that can certainly be something that develops further.


Re: Fic: A Friendly World thistlerose July 1 2006, 00:49:58 UTC
Oh, certainly. They obviously care about each other a great deal, and they work well as a team. I liked Simon before I liked Mal, and I think that's one of the reasons I'm so drawn to Simon/Kaylee. Plus...it's sweet. Without being saccharine. I think she makes him want to be...less stuffy and uptight. *g*

Also, I really like Mal/River. I'm thinking about writing a story about them, trying to decide how Mal would react upon realizing that he has a thing for this rather young girl.


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