fic: If You're On Fire, Show Me (ST: Reboot)

May 15, 2013 19:15

Title: If You're On Fire, Show Me
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Word count: 2,800
Rating: Explicit
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy/Uhura, background Kirk/McCoy and Spock/Uhura
Contains: (highlight to reveal) Oral sex, masturbation, finger fucking, hand jobs, rimming (without penetration). Also, I made a conscious choice not to mention contraception. It's ( Read more... )

fic: st aos: char.: mccoy, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy, fic: st aos: char.: uhura, fic: 2013, fic: st aos: char.: kirk, fic: st aos: pairing: mccoy/uhura

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Comments 20

browngirl May 16 2013, 01:42:10 UTC
Before tonight, Nyota could not have guessed that any power in the galaxy could render Leonard McCoy completely mute. And yet, the moment her lips close around the head of his erect cock, his jaws clamp shut with an audible click and nothing, it seems - not her fingertips gently massaging his balls, not the sight of Jim stroking himself while he watches - can get them to loosen.

Holy moly cannoli what a way to open the story! And it just grabbed me and hauled me along in its gloriousness! I could try to describe even one half of all I adored about this, but I would inevitably leave something out and also fill up the comment box.

Thank you, so, so much. I'm off to reread this and kudoize it on AO3. Eee. EEEE


thistlerose May 17 2013, 21:20:52 UTC
You're very, very welcome, bb! I'm just so sorry I made you wait so long. I lost my mojo. :( But then, it became surprisingly easy to write once I jettisoned the entire plot, which mostly involved getting Bones to unwind a little, and selecting a safe word. (They eventually settled on "Look! Klingons!", which was Jim's idea.)

I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you for issuing the challenge, and of course for donating to help_japan. It was a pleasure to write this for you.


aome May 16 2013, 02:03:30 UTC
Given that I love the song in your title, I just had to read this, even though it's not a threesome I'd ever considered before. Yum, this was hot. Well done!


thistlerose May 17 2013, 21:02:52 UTC
I'm glad someone recognized the title! Not that it's particularly obscure. *g* I'm so glad you liked it!


savoytruffle May 16 2013, 10:47:42 UTC
I really love to see a sexy, confident Uhura who knows what she wants in a threesome.

This was perfect and hot.


thistlerose May 18 2013, 01:08:27 UTC
Thank you so much!


jouissant May 16 2013, 15:19:40 UTC
This was great. I love the affection you captured among the three of them, and I love Nyota's moments of reflection about the mission and her relationships with Kirk and McCoy.


thistlerose May 17 2013, 21:17:11 UTC
Thank you! :)

In my head canon, Nyota starts out a little bit prim, but gradually becomes open to new ideas. Like threesomes with Jim and Bones!


mellaithwen May 16 2013, 22:55:31 UTC
well holy moly that was amazing.
don't think I've ready threesome fic before but I saw you were the author and it was AOS and I couldn't not read it :D and now it's an OT3 haha :) really well done.


thistlerose May 17 2013, 21:06:39 UTC
I LOVE your icon. I'm surprised we haven't seen more photoshopped Winona Kirks since Once Upon A Time became a thing.

I'm so glad you liked my fic! Once I jettisoned the plot, it became a lot of fun to write.


mellaithwen May 17 2013, 21:52:09 UTC
The only ones I've seen are part of the manip for where_no_woman (like yours) so I was determined to make one ha, also she has so much curly hair in OUaT :)

The kirk/uhura/McCoy dynamic is such a good one so added sex is a plus ha :D


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