fic: On The Wing (Star Trek: AOS / Dragonriders of Pern)

Jan 19, 2012 12:07

Title: On The Wing
Fandom: Star Trek AOS / The Dragonriders of Pern
Rating: teen+
Pairing(s): Kirk/Sulu, implied Pike/Winona, Spock/Uhura, and casual Kirk/Gaila
Warning(s): (highlight to reveal) At one point, Sulu tries to establish a boundary and Kirk steps blithely past it. (Hey, it wouldn't be Pern if everyone respected each other's boundaries ( Read more... )

fic: pern, fic: crossover, fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/sulu, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: 2012

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Comments 26

mijan January 19 2012, 21:24:50 UTC
Before I read this, I MUST say, from your summary... Pineth and Choth? OH DEAR GODS.


thistlerose January 19 2012, 21:31:47 UTC
Yes, there is a theme. *g* Also Quintoth, Saldanath, Urbanth, Hemsworth...

(I mean, how else do you name Pernese dragons in a crossover??)


mijan January 19 2012, 21:36:31 UTC
I saw that. And you're right... there's no other way to name Pernese dragons in a crossover.

The fic was delightful. I could totally imagine them changing Pern.


thistlerose January 19 2012, 22:07:12 UTC
Thank you so much, bb! ♥


re_white January 19 2012, 21:40:00 UTC
I have never read Pern, but this sucked me right in. Kirk and Sulu as dragon riders just fits. I really enjoyed this.


mijan January 19 2012, 22:09:14 UTC
You haven't read the Pern series?!? EGADS! GET THEE TO A BOOKSTORE!


thistlerose January 19 2012, 22:15:39 UTC
Oh, Pern. *sigh* It's appallingly bad in places, especially from a feminist viewpoint. (And parts of it are kind of homophobic, though not all.) But the world-building is addictive and the symbiotic dragon/human relationships are wonderful. The original trilogy, the Harper Hall trilogy (well, not the third one so much) and "Moreta" are worth reading.

Anyway. Eeee, I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Thank you!!


ksalterego January 19 2012, 23:26:36 UTC
omg. OMG. OMFG. ahhhhhHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! the dragon names....the crossover....omg, please write more!!!! the sheer epicness of this, never even imagined such awesomeness was possible, holey freaking COW, man! and then the unfortunateness of G'orge's dragon's name, how much more can a person stand!??!?!?!

side note on the homophobicness: i think that may have changed later in the series because i know there have been a few stories that included the blue (or was it green?) dragon riders, wherein it was mentioned that those dragons did not necessarily impress same-sex riders, so when they mated there was a 50/50 which way their humans would go...guh...


thistlerose January 20 2012, 21:11:45 UTC
I think Anne McCaffrey's thoughts on LGBT issues changed over time. (Well. Actually, I don't think there were any homosexual or bisexual women in her stories, but I haven't read anything of hers since the mid-90s so I could be wrong.) Some of her homosexual characters struck me as a bit stereotypical (like P'tero and M'leng in "Dragonseye") while others (like K'lon from "Moreta") were awesome. On the one hand, it's great that she placed gay characters in a military setting and let them help save the world. On the other hand, some of her portrayals could have been better.

Actually, I think Todd's newest book has a female blue rider. I don't know anything else about her, though. And I don't read Todd's books.

Anyway, I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story! Thank you so much for the comment!! I might just end up writing about Weyrleader G'roge and bronze Hemsworth. Poor dragon.


(The comment has been removed)

thistlerose February 3 2012, 15:21:34 UTC
Oh, okay. I thought perhaps she had, since homosexual characters became more prominent in her novels, and not all of them seemed stereotyped (though a number of them, unfortunately, were).


jactrades January 20 2012, 03:50:26 UTC
:D :D :D

You wrote me a wonderful, fantastic Pern fusion! I love the backstories you've developed for these two, and that Sulu Impressed a brown, and that Jim is his cocky self no matter what universe he's in. And I also adore the way you've subtly questioned some of the problematic hierarchies and gender norms in the Pern world. Thank you so much for such an awesome story.

P.S. Because I am slow, it took me until Nyota's queen's name to get it. ♥ Also, Nyota would be fierce as a queen rider.


thistlerose January 20 2012, 21:13:39 UTC
Oh, you're the third person who's told me they didn't catch my pattern until close to the end. *g* I didn't know how else to name their dragons. Poor bronze Hemsworth.

Aw, I'm so glad you liked this, bb! I don't normally do crossovers or AUs, but you mentioned McCaffrey and I just couldn't resist. I adored her in my mid-teens and she's still kind of a guilty pleasure for me. Thank you! ♥


sumofparts January 21 2012, 01:13:14 UTC
I've never read Pern but I read this anyway and it was delightful. The names were pretty funny and I liked the little nods to the characters in the Trek-verse.


thistlerose January 23 2012, 15:20:49 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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