fic: Left Alone To Wander (Star Trek AOS)

Sep 18, 2010 11:18

Title: Left Alone To Wander
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: teen
Characters: Sam, Winona, and Jim Kirk
Contains: (highlight to reveal) Verbal abuse of a minor; threatened violence toward a minor; off-screen OC death; allusions to violence; teenage drinking and non-explicit making out; language.
Notes: Many thanks to old_blueeyes and lauriegilbert for beta reading. 10,300 ( Read more... )

fic: 2010, fic: st aos: char.: winona kirk, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: char.: kirk, fic: favorites

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Comments 59

evil_alter_ego September 18 2010, 22:38:31 UTC
oh, this was a lovely story! Siblings are so tricky--this made me think of my little brother, and how I basically just thought he was obnoxious for years and years, and how we've had to figure out how to get along as grownups instead of just as squabbling siblings. And that was without any of the extra stressful events like Sam and Jim had in their lives! Anyways, I really liked this story. :)


thistlerose September 20 2010, 04:13:23 UTC
Thank you so much!

I drew just a little bit from my own experiences as an older sibling. It's tough, even when your young sib isn't a genius with a special destiny. I'm so glad my characterization of Sam worked for you.


jazzy_peaches September 18 2010, 23:36:43 UTC
I really enjoyed this. I wish more people would write from Sam Kirk's perspective, and about Win and Sam and Jim's relationships. If you continued this it would be awesome. I could make...muffins? idk you already bake cookies, so.

Ps, got lost in Woodbury yesterday, thought of you.


thistlerose September 20 2010, 04:15:50 UTC
I would not say no to muffins. :)

Thank you! I'm really glad you liked the story; parts of it were a bit tough to write.

Oh, Woodbury. Not a fun place to be lost.


jouissant September 18 2010, 23:42:32 UTC
I was choked up all the way through this story, particularly Sam listening to the transmission. And his dream was just chilling. I love your Sam--I just wanted to give him a huge hug--and I really like how complex all the characters are. I feel like so often the Kirks become cardboard cutouts in fic, but everyone is so well-realized and three dimensional here.


thistlerose September 20 2010, 04:17:52 UTC
Thank you!

Oh, Sam. I was afraid he'd come across as unsympathetic, even though I came to love him over the course of the story. I'm glad the dream worked! I rewrote it about four times, and kept moving it around the story. *g*

Thank you again!


sail_aweigh September 19 2010, 02:34:01 UTC
Oh, man, this was even better than I was expecting! That segment with Jim and the car really worked awesomely. I know you reconfigured that multiple times and angsted over it; as far as I'm concerned it is perfection!

Each part really captured the ways in which Sam's life had been affected by the dual fact of his father's death/Jim's birth. I could feel his resentment and hate, and even sympathize to some extent. By the end, you had me in tears. Sam grew up so much and he's learned so much about responsibility. I like your Sam; I hope you decide to write more about him.

Also, I ♥ your Winona. Not perfect, but so human and believable and trying to do her best. I get a kick out the fact she calls Sam "Buddy." My dad's nick as a kid was Buddy (now Bud) because he was a junior. It just gives me warm fuzzies.


thistlerose September 20 2010, 04:38:16 UTC
I call all my male cats "buddy." In addition to their actual names, I mean. It sort of rolls off the tongue, as a nickname. *g*

I'm so glad you liked Winona and Sam. I really wanted Win to be the one who gave Sam some perspective. I like to think there's a little part of her that is angry with Sam, but she can see that he's sorry, and she understands that it would be better for her boys if she absolved him and shouldered all the guilt. *pets her* And Sam, oh Sam. I was afraid people wouldn't like him much, but I sort of fell in love with him while writing this.

I'm tempted to write more. I don't think I have the heart to follow TOS and kill Sam off. Jim needs someone who's perfectly willing to tell him when he's being obnoxious. :)

Thank you so much, bb!


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thistlerose September 20 2010, 04:41:34 UTC
Thank you so much!

I'm so glad Sam was believable. I love writing about really minor characters sometimes, especially when they have some connection to the protagonist. They're challenging. I'm really glad you liked this. :)


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