[fic] Down the Long Corridors of Air (Star Trek)

Aug 24, 2009 18:45

Down the Long Corridors of Air

Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Rating: teen
Ship: Spock/McCoy
Summary: A circle has no end.
A/N: Many thank yous to the awesome archon-mentha and ayaerhis for the beta read! 7,000 words.

It began - as such things do - on an ice planet, in a cave, with a single blanket to share between them. 'How do we get ourselves into these situations?' McCoy asked. )

fic: st tos (star trek), fic: st tos: pairing: spock/mccoy, fic: 2009, fic: favorites

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Comments 64

breakthecitysky August 25 2009, 00:49:56 UTC
oh. i was never really a fan of the original series, i have to confess, i am one of the annoying new kids with this particular part of the trek world, but this. this. the whole thing, from start to finish, was beautiful and brilliant and hurt in all the right ways. thank you.


thistlerose August 25 2009, 15:17:15 UTC
Thank you! :)

(I confess: I'm a new kid too. I grew up with TNG and the original movies, but the new film is what prompted me to check out TOS. It's such silly fun.)


northatlantic August 25 2009, 01:10:25 UTC
Wow. I love that. Spock/McCoy was my TOS pairing what feels like centuries ago and this feels so spot-on, the connection without compromise, without making either of them someone they're not. Thank you!


thistlerose August 25 2009, 15:19:37 UTC
Thank you so much! :)

I just started watching TOS this summer, and didn't really expect to latch onto a ship. Spock/McCoy kind of hit me like a brick. Um, except less painfully. :P


florahart August 25 2009, 01:23:01 UTC
Oh, I like this. I like the way there's the before and after about it, this middle with the katra-carrying that doesn't resolve things directly, but sort of, I dunno, mu sense is forces a meeting of minds. So to speak. And I like that McCoy bitches about the lack of warning, and that it makes it just that much more meaningful, that Remember, because he's remembering something more complicated, even, than Spock's soul.

Typo comment: perhaps you do mean discretely, in distinct parts, but I think you mean discreetly, with discretion.


thistlerose August 25 2009, 15:24:22 UTC
Yes! Discreet is what I meant! *fixes hastily* Thank you for catching that.

I'm so glad you liked the fic! :) I saw the movies long before I watched the episodes, so for the longest time I didn't ascribe any deeper meaning to the soul-carrying and the "remember." Now, though... *g* You don't do that to someone you don't love on at least some level.


secretsolitaire August 25 2009, 02:45:34 UTC
I feel kind of gutted after this. It was beautiful.


thistlerose August 25 2009, 15:24:44 UTC
*petpet* Thank you!


blcwriter August 25 2009, 03:50:22 UTC
Oh-- lovely. The ruminations on De Kelley/McCoy's physicality gutted me in particular. Lovely.


thistlerose August 25 2009, 15:27:11 UTC
He's so thin! OMG. I spend half of every episode wanting to... I don't know, tie him up and force-feed him carbs or something.

Thank you! :)


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