The Lion Guard (Season one)

May 07, 2016 15:42

When Disney first announced The Lion Guard, no one thought it would be good. People billed it as The Avengers in the Pridelands (which, considering that statement now, wouldn't that be a good thing?). People said it would ruin Lion King. People said it would be awful and not worth watching ( Read more... )

tv: the lion guard

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Comments 6

ext_3297406 July 13 2020, 03:15:58 UTC
We borrowed a library dvd to watch it. So far I'm finding it more enjoyable than I expected! The honey badger personality doesn't bother me (I figured kids need some comic relief) as much as his stance does- why is he the only animal walking around in human posture on two legs (aside from Timone sometimes). Annoying.

Did you watch seasons 2-4 also? how was that?


thistle_chaser July 13 2020, 04:05:07 UTC
It's been a while since I watched it last (I think we got to the end of season 4 before new eps stopped). Very surprisingly, the characters grow through the season. Physically grow. The storylines also progress from story-of-the-week to a storyline that crosses seasons. The show is handled better than I would expect a cartoon aimed towards adults, let alone one for preschoolers.

I can't remember the details of most of the storylines, but I believe there weren't any that I was unsatisfied with (except a couple story-of-the-week minor ones).

Hmm I wonder if the honey badger stands on two legs so kids will identify with him even more?


ext_3297406 July 13 2020, 11:58:57 UTC
Maybe- about the honey badger. I do think they sometimes stand up that way IRL to spy around, like the meerkats do? so probably the producers made the honey badger walk around like that to make him more personable. Just weird that none of the other animals do so (as far as I've seen).

I like the idea that the characters continue growing! So many programs for kids characters just stay static


thistle_chaser July 14 2020, 00:07:50 UTC
It's pretty rare for shows, especially cartoons, to have their characters grow and changed. I was really impressed that this one did! (But a tad worried, too. Will the show end once they're adults?)

Okay, wow. Apparently I never watched the last ep (and maybe the one before that). I was trying to see if there was going to be a season four or not. (Couldn't find an answer to that.)

Edit: Wow, apparently I missed the whole second half of season three. Well, lots of new eps to watch at least!


ext_3297406 July 18 2020, 22:23:15 UTC
I just finished watching season- two I guess? on dvd. Season one was actually just a full-length movie? or are there four episode seasons after that, I don't get it. Anyway, I had one dvd of "Return of the Roar" which was like a movie, and then three dvds of tv seasons. I like it so far, especially how it's got nice lessons for kids (some people just like being alone!) and also teaches about animal behavior (honey badgers really are immune to venom, but I think they collapse for a while and recover slowly actually). I had to fast forward thru some of the songs, they got annoying, but I'm still looking forward to watching the rest when I need some chill time.


thistle_chaser July 18 2020, 22:55:07 UTC
Yep! A movie + 3 TV seasons, so sounds like you have them all.

I wish I had had the option of fast forwarding though the songs. Sometimes they were important to the plot (rare), sometimes I didn't mind listening to them (even more rare) but most of the time it was just filler I tuned out.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!


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