This is where I would quit my diet, if I could

Jul 24, 2014 08:52

Yesterday was my weekly official weighing day. Pound and a half(ish) lost -- more than a pound, less than two, I'm rounding to a half. Ish ( Read more... )

diet, things that make thistles sad, things that annoy thistles

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Comments 22

tersa July 24 2014, 16:10:02 UTC
This is the part where I point out that a pound, pound and a half of loss is eminently reasonable for one week. I would strongly advise against cutting out the peanut butter, just start counting it into your calorie count, or, better yet, just keep on as you're doing for two reasons:

1. Because you're losing weight. That's the point, yes?

2. The 'what' you put into your mouth may be just as important than the calorie count of it.

Peanut butter is nutrient dense. You want that, even if you don't embrace it. The rice cakes and popcorn you're using to fill out your calorie count has little to offer than precious little fiber (and, actually, looking it up, the rice cakes my not have even that)--otherwise, they're as empty calories as soda or sugary foods are (actually, they are basically sugar, since that's what your body breaks them down to ( ... )


thistle_chaser July 24 2014, 16:24:19 UTC
That's a good point. It's working, so I don't really need to change it. And I do really, really like peanut butter.

Also, how's this for funny? I ate half a rice cake to get the taste of turkey out of my mouth this morning. A rice cake tasted better! That's just wrong. (I like turkey just fine at other times.)

Thanks. :)


tersa July 24 2014, 16:32:17 UTC
That's a good point. It's working, so I don't really need to change it. And I do really, really like peanut butter.

Good. :)

The thing I forgot to remind you: this isn't a race.

Also, how's this for funny? I ate half a rice cake to get the taste of turkey out of my mouth this morning. A rice cake tasted better! That's just wrong.

Wrong...but understandable. Your body is telling you it wants carbs, but it's tricking you.

Have you heard of the concept of hypoglycemic diets, I think it is? It's essentially that anytime you ingest carbs, it should be balanced by some amount of protein. Even when I wasn't where I am now, actively controlling my intake, I was trying to follow that rule of thumb.

That may be something to maybe look at doing--instead of just eating the bag of popcorn, maybe eat half a bag of it alternating with some nuts. Add a little cheese or peanut butter to the rice cake. Etc. Getting the protein and the extra nutrients that come with it may help a little with the signals your body is sending out.


thistle_chaser July 24 2014, 16:39:20 UTC
Have you heard of the concept of hypoglycemic diets, I think it is? It's essentially that anytime you ingest carbs, it should be balanced by some amount of protein.

I hadn't, but that makes sense. Post-surgery, I have to eat protein before anything else, so I'm trying to do the same now (though for different reasons). I'd rather eat lunch and then have some popcorn instead of having just the popcorn -- then I'd get the value of the turkey or whatever I'm having.


(The comment has been removed)

thistle_chaser July 24 2014, 16:35:06 UTC
Thank! I keep meaning to try hummus, but I haven't yet.

I'm with you on the 'eating small and often' part. I spread out my food as much as I can. Took me an hour to eat an inch 'round circle of cheese (the Babybel one I mentioned), and I generally spend about three hours eating my yogurt (darned meeting today is going to interrupt that).

Yeah, I haven't had butter or fried things in these weeks yet. I did get light mayo once at Subway, but I counted it into my calorie count.


diello July 24 2014, 16:50:34 UTC

And yes, that Simply Salted is my hero when I'm craving salty and don't want to cheat too much. I also keep a stash of big fat whole pickles in the back of my fridge for salty desperation (they're totally low cal).

Instead of tricking your mind into saying you're not missing out, try pretending to be allergic! I don't know if it will work, but I used to easily avoid foods I knew would be a problem or a trigger for further unhealthy indulging by saying I was allergic to them. Aaaand then I developed actual allergies to the oils they use to fry foods and have a light gluten allergy.


thistle_chaser July 24 2014, 18:16:40 UTC
Awesome and horrible, at the same time! :D

And yeah, pickles are the best. You can have a whole serving (6 chips) for 10 calories! I could almost live on them, if doing so wouldn't kill me.

Hmm, I'm might have to try that trick! Every time I call in sick to work when I'm not really sick, I always end up getting sick anyway. Maybe I'll follow suit and actually get the allergies, too! :P


gonzostar July 24 2014, 16:55:32 UTC
Like the other person said, don't cut out the peanut butter! You're still losing weight, and starting the morning off with protein/fat keeps you satisfied longer. :)

What's cool is that you won't have to keep using the filler foods after the surgery. You won't have room! Woot! hehehe

You're doing everything right. Just keep reminding yourself this is for a finite amount of time.


thistle_chaser July 24 2014, 18:18:30 UTC
Thank you! I'll really, really miss popcorn later (it's one of my most favorite foods ever), but it'll be worth it.

It's still so far away (seven weeks), but I'm already counting down the days. I don't know if I'm more excited or more nervous, but it doesn't matter, I just want it done and over with.


coconuthead July 24 2014, 20:56:53 UTC
Ohhh...hang in there! I agree with everyone else that the peanut butter seems like a good idea.


thistle_chaser July 24 2014, 22:34:43 UTC
Thanks! A good idea AND yummy! Win!


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