2013: A Year of Books

Dec 30, 2013 20:26

I suspect I'm not going to get my current book done by tomorrow night, so I'm going to post this now.

Total books read in 2013: 53. Goal was 50/50bookchallenge, so yay ( Read more... )

book review, 2013 books, 2013 books overview

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Comments 11

wizardelfgirl December 31 2013, 05:08:05 UTC
Man, I wish I had time to read books like before. This year I managed to read just three books and that's an accomplishment.


thistle_chaser December 31 2013, 05:31:08 UTC
Hope they were three good books! And that you get more time to read going forward. :)


hamsterwoman December 31 2013, 07:21:45 UTC
I really like your way of rounding up books for the year!

"If Mary Sue and Gary Sue wanted a pet, it would be Buck (the main character/dog from this book). Near the end of the book I skimmed four pages straight describing just how perfect of an animal Buck was."

I love "Call of the Wild" a lot, but this made me LOL. (Possibly because of Buck's perfection, Spitz was actually my favorite.)

Wow, those are some polar opinions on Scalzi's books! I've read his blog a little bit but haven't actually tried any fiction by him. My best friend read and disliked Zoe's Tale, but maybe that's not the best thing of his... I feel like I should maybe read something by him to see for myself...

Same best friend also very highly recommended Wool and gave it to me as a gift, and I really need to read it one of these days, especially with your additional endorsement.

Have you read the Graceling sequels? I didn't like Graceline as much as other people seem to have, but I really really liked Fire.


thistle_chaser December 31 2013, 17:25:04 UTC
Thanks! I enjoy my end of the year post. Takes me a while to compile everything (about six hours this time, but I enjoyed it), but I love seeing how the year of reading has been.

Yeah, I liked both Call of the Wild and White Fang, but both of the animals were so perfect! Perfect just isn't interesting...

People seem to either love or hate Scalzi. (Um, I do both? :P )I'd suggest checking out Old Man's War and see what you think! Even if you love that series, stay far away from Zoe's Tale though, heh.

I have a lot of Wool reading to do, too. There have been... six? I think books so far, and I only read the first one. I really, really recommend reading at least that first one! I loved it to death.

Nope, I'm hoping to get to the two other Graceling books this year. I own one of them (Fire, I think), I just need to get to it.


hamsterwoman January 1 2014, 00:16:19 UTC
Wow, that's a lot of time for a single post, but I can see it being a lot of fun, and as a reader, i definitely appreciate it! (I'm too lazy to put in links in my end-of-year roundup, though hopefully my tags should make it possible to find any books that spark an interest if one so desires...)

People seem to either love or hate Scalzi. (Um, I do both? :P )

Haha, well, if/when I finally decide to give his fiction a try, I'll start with the ones you liked :)

Wool is definitely part of the plan for this year (whether just the first part was Wool or all of them confused me, but I guess I don't really need to worry about that for a while...)

Looking forward to your impressions of Fire & Bitterblue if/when you get to them! I think Fire, in particular, continues to do well the things I liked about Graceling and does less of the things I didn't like, so that's definitely my favorite of the three, but Bitterblue has things to recommend it too.


changeling72 December 31 2013, 08:28:19 UTC
I seem to be one of the slower readers on LJ, but I did manage to beat my target of 26 books this year.


thistle_chaser December 31 2013, 16:53:51 UTC
Congrats! There are some really fast people (hundreds of books a year!) and some slower ones. So long as you enjoy it, it's all good!


bacchuslives January 1 2014, 00:00:54 UTC
I'm impressed you were able to make it through than many books that you hated... Happy new year :)


thistle_chaser January 1 2014, 00:22:25 UTC
I know! Even after I decided to stop forcing myself to finish all books that I started. Maybe in the coming year I need to give up sooner/easier...


spike7451 January 1 2014, 10:25:46 UTC
Impressive list, have saved it as there are some I've never read.

I agree with you about the "Lord of the Flies"... we had to read that at school.... hated it too.


thistle_chaser January 1 2014, 18:12:33 UTC
I hope you enjoy them!

I wish Lord of the Flies had been better. I had such fond memories of it...


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