Book #28 of 2015: Destination Unknown (Remnants, No 2)

Sep 26, 2015 20:16

Destination Unknown by K. A. Applegate
Rating: Liked (Hated-Disliked-Okay-Liked-Loved)

These books are surprisingly short. I keep reaching the end of them way before I expect to. It takes me about four hours to read an average YA book, but these take me about two hours at my normal reading speed. At least they'll give me a nice bump to my book count for the year?

The book picks up right where the first book ended, but I can't talk about the plot at all without it being spoilery, so I'm going to put it behind the cut. If you intend to read this series, which I recommend you do, don't click on the cut:

To review book one: the Earth was destroyed, 80 humans were left "alive" (in hibernation on a space ship), the book ended with the ship flying off from the destroyed planet.

Book two started with them waking up 500 years later. Only about half ever woke up, the rest died along the way from various causes (the grossest among them being something the survivors called "space worms", giant worms that tunneled through the sleeping humans, killing them in their sleep). Somehow the space shuttle landed on what seemed an alien planet... but landed in an upright position, same as how the space shuttle launches. An impossible position for it to have crashed in.

That was only the start of the impossible. The planet around them was a painting. Or half of it was. Left side was a painting, right side was a black and white photo by the famous photographer Ansel Adams. An exact line split the planet between those two sides. The survivors were quite puzzled by that.

They encounter some aliens (probably maybe aliens), more of the "space worms" (UGH horrible and gross), and more (different) aliens. This book ended with the survivors realizing they were actually on an alien ship, not a planet at all, and heading off to try to find the bridge.

While I enjoyed this book quite a lot, it had a disturbingly familiar formula to it. It took me a moment to pin down from where, and once I realized it, it made perfect sense: It felt just like the book series her husband writes. Same character types, characters cut off from all other people, falling naturally into two different and opposing groups. It wasn't a bad thing, it just made the story feel less original.

If the whole series wasn't published already, I'd be annoyed because each of these books thus far feels more like a chapter in the story instead of a stand-alone book.

Next up: Them (Remnants book 3)

book series: remnants, 2015 books, book review, book: destination unknown

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