I went for a 10 minutes' walk this morning - at 6am. I saw one other person, not particularly surprising at that time of the morning. We exchanged a smile as we veered away from each other
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I've really noticed how differently we greet/leave people now. Keep safe seems to be the preferred option here too, which I quite like - it is warm, but it reminds everyone they have a part to play in doing that.
There is a groundswell of solidarity emerging which is nice to see. I had three offers of a grocery run in 24 hours from neighbours. People in downtown Vancouver are coming out on their balconies at 7 in the evening to make noise so hospital workers on shift change will hear people are supporting them and appreciating their work. Some people are putting lights in their windows or on bushes outside. I hope this continues as we’re in for the long haul. Nice to be talking to you again :)
Comments 12
It's great that people are checking in and generally being decent in the midst of this chaos.
It is nice that people are being so 'we're in this together'.
And it is really nice to see you, too.
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