
Sep 09, 2011 00:00

Name: Makoto Kikuchi
Series: The Idolm@ster (anime)
Timeline: Post-Episode 9
Canon Resource Links: The series! | Dat Idol (just to point out, though, that Makoto's father doesn't actually know about her being an idol)
Personality: Take the cutest, frilliest, girliest idol out there. Got her in your mind? Picture her clearly? Good.

Now kick her to the curb because Makoto is nothing like that.

Boyish, open, and friendly, Makoto is more likely to be the one wearing the suit and making the ladies swoon just by smiling at them than the idol in the fluffy skirts, making everyone squeal over how cute she is. Which is a frustration to her, considering that all she really wants to do is to be feminine, wear cute, frilly things and get more male fans. However, it doesn't really fit her image, as remarked upon by interviewers ("Kikuchi-san, you seem to have a lot of female fans. Is this because you're so boyish?") and even her fellow idols at 765 Pro (i.e. commenting on that a dress could be cuter if it had more frills and being told that something cooler suited her better). It's something she can't really help, considering her father was the one who wanted a son, and thus raised her as a boy (short hair, using 'boku', etc.) and it's not the easiest thing to break out of. As such, she has to contend with girls liking her for that kind of appearance and attitude, and her reason for becoming an idol is to get in touch with that feminine side.

She sort of fails at it. One of her hobbies includes reading shoujo manga, and maybe it's due to her father or ALL THAT SHOUJO, but Makoto has a pretty weird idea of what being cute is. Ironically, she's rather cute when she's being herself, but when she really tries, what you get is what would happen if you took a really bad actress and told her to impersonate a typical shoujo loli at FULL CUTE POWER. ("Kyapipipipi" and "MakomakoRIIIIIIIIN" aren't real words, Makoto.) She treats cute practice like training and workouts. When it comes down to it, she's just better at being boyish. It can be disheartening, especially when she's chosen to wear the suits and act as the man, but Makoto's not the type of person to let herself get down that easily. All it takes is someone reassuring her that she looks good, and she's back to grinning sheepishly and holding up a fist for motivational fistbumps.

She's neither a quick study nor a slow learner, and is easy to work with. It's not tough to get along with her; her charisma's nothing to turn your nose up at, considering she's popular at her (all girls) school and amiable with most people she meets. She can get easily excited and enthusiastic about things, and is very much a heart-on-your-sleeve kind of person, even in interviews. She's genuinely earnest as she goes about her life, as well as modest about the attention she receives (when it doesn't go right over her head). Makoto isn't one to brag about popularity, and confesses that she's grateful that she's liked... just, if she had her druthers, there'd be more boy fans.

Makoto's highly active, energetic, and athletic, with some fighting prowess under her (black) belt. While she does strive to be feminine, she can be provoked into starting fights, though usually only when the other party's being a colossal jerk or her friends are in danger. She's (mostly) responsible and doesn't often resort to violence unless for someone else's sake or if she absolutely has to defend herself. Friend possibly kidnapped? You may find Makoto fighting one of the goons on top of a ladder and racking up massive amounts of property damage. The rest of the time, she's easygoing in her competitiveness, always up for a challenge (like swimming out to a rock in the ocean), but also accepting that she's going to have fun while doing it. She's a very loyal and supportive friend, and there's no length she wouldn't go to to help one out. No matter what it is she's doing, she's always giving it her all.


+ Physical strength; she's incredibly strong for someone of her build, and can lift other idols and her own producer with no trouble at all.
+ Athletic. Makoto's skilled at sports, and has a black belt in martial arts; she still trains at a dojo near her house, and can hold her own in any fight she might happen to get into.
+ IDOL SKILLS. Just like the other idols, Makoto's got the singing and dancing parts down pat-- particularly the latter. She's self-taught, versatile and one of the best dancers out of the bunch.
+ Supportive. Makoto just can't leave people alone if she feels like she can do something, hence chasing after Azusa when she's kidnapped, and doing everything she can to reassure Yukiho, including admitting to her own nervousness and wanting to chase after her when she runs off in tears.
+ Sincere. It might be rare in her line of business, and she does get embarrassed when caught reading shoujo or writing song lyrics, but Makoto can always admit to her genuine feelings on the matter, and she'll let you know when she's flustered or excited or nervous.

- Claustrophobic, after an incident involving an elevator.
- Terrified of bugs and doesn't do well with ghost stories; they rattle her rather easily, and she'll scream and cling to people.
- Can get carried away. Makoto tends to go full throttle, and that can be exhausting for everyone around her, because she herself doesn't get tired out that easily. She just forges on ahead, and sometimes that results in a worn-out producer, a sea of damage, or people being subjected to her ranting about breaking through the barrier that is her father.
- Utterly sucks at being feminine, due to being raised pretty much as a boy.
- Easily depressed when someone is attracted to her more masculine attributes, or points out that she's boyish. For example, if she gets more fanmail from girls, it puts her in such a sad state that she'll be morose for the rest of the day.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Feebas
Password: Taco Bell

First Person Sample:

Hey, guys!

[ Makoto's grinning face fills up the feed. She looks somewhat excited today; one clenched fist is pressed to her chest, and she's glowing. ]

I got a job, at this cafe with ultra frilly maid outfits as uniforms! I was just thinking about asking the owner, but he asked me first! He said they could use someone like me! I think my feminine appeal's finally starting to shine through! I--

Oh, huh. Come to think of it, I still need to pick up my uniform, hold on--

[ the feed ends.

... And starts again, thirty minutes later. Makoto's face reappears, though now decidedly crestfallen. And why is that?

Well, the snappy-looking waiter outfit she's now sporting may be the answer. ]

He... he meant as a waiter. I couldn't even get any lace around the cuffs...

Third Person Sample:

So the first meeting hadn't been the best of first impressions: Girl Meets Fish, Girl Uses Fish To Wield Off Deluded Mother Figure Until Fish Makes Vocal Protest, Girl Proceeds To Feel Absurd While Apologizing To Disgruntled Fish ("I didn't know you were alive!" didn't make for much of an excuse), and a partnership was born. She hunkered down before it now, crouched and curious, while it lay on the ground and cast one eye up at her as though it was still debating the validity of its new trainer. At least the lack of water didn't seem to be bothering it any, and she had to be grateful that she was the one who'd 'found' it, instead of, say, Iori. She didn't think the younger idol would have been all that inclined to treat it gently, considering how it looked. But she knew all about appearances, she thought, and turned her mind to the problem at hand.

Makoto might have liked a challenge, but being released into the wilderness with only a shabby-looking fish (that looked as though Hibiki had already fried and battered it) wasn't the most of ideal of situations. It was either that or be stuck with a mother who'd called her 'son', and she shuddered at the thought with a sigh bordering on despondent.

The Feebas flopped.

"... You know what?" Another sigh, this one more determined. "I've got it! My father isn't here! And if I'm your trainer, I can improve both of us, with your help! I'll be feminine, and you'll be strong and beautiful, and we'll be the cutest pair that this place has ever seen! Isn't that right, Lalal--"

Another flop, this time more adamant.

"... Lala," Makoto amended; she'd learned her mistake the first time, when it had somehow succeeded in launching itself at her face in protest. "So let's do it! First order of business, flutterkicks and stomach crunches!"


"... Maybe just crunches for you, or flutterfins? Here, I'll run you through the whole routine! It'll make you absolutely unbeatable!"

She held out a fist, encouragingly. The Feebas eyed it as best it could, before making a small noise like a sigh, and feebly lifted a fin to flap it against her hand. It was going to be quite the partnership.

!app, !ooc

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