kiss, miss, mistake; uno

Feb 13, 2011 11:05

kiss, miss, mistake
창민/윤아 || au || three-shot || w.count~2290w.
he often asks himself why can't he find the person who would love him back. he wonders a lot, if he can really find the one who's destined to be with him. he just shrugs the thought away.

This story is not a short one. This story might be the kind that you tire of. This story lasts for seven days (maybe eight). The same number of days when God created everything. This, in contrary, carries no relevance to the world being round or the world going round because in those days, Im Yoona only found one person who did her good and nothing more. On the seventh-eighth day, well that, you have to find out for yourself.

It was a slow night.

Most people hated slow nights but for Yoona it was okay. Slow nights were fine, actually. Extremely fine. Slow nights meant no money. No money equated to no food but Yoona preferred slow nights over fast nights. One man comes after another, on fast nights, not giving any care in the world.

Slow nights were extremely fine. They'll only starve a bit. Yoona can always make an excuse.

The door chime rang and the other girls looked up. He was a new one, a fresh face, maybe younger than all of them but none refused. It was still work after all. He stuttered when he asked if he was at the right place and the most Yoona could do was roll her eyes and walk away.

Her sudden escape probably didn't alarm the others as it did to her. She, a woman with so-called 'loose morals' cared more about the men she sleeps with rather than her family of six that were probably hungry and cold.

She shook her head and went back in, only to find her only chance of getting money to have gone with the eldest one.

“Hey, it's okay, Yoona. You know how the younger ones want the older ones. We just have to make-do with the old wrinkly ones.”

Summer patted her head twice and offered her a cigarette stick. She declined and watched her as she walked out the dark hall. Yoona admired Summer. She lived well even in the situation they were stuck in.

Later, Yoona told herself that Summer probably had her moments too. She was just better at not showing it. She kept her nose where it didn't belong but Summer was an intriguing character. She made her smile, yes but seeing her day after day reminded her of what her future would be like. Yoona feared for that excessively.

The door chime rang again but Yoona lost all the strength to continue working. Like the wind swept her away all of a sudden; she slumped back into her chair and waited-- no, like the wind swept her away but she still found it all too hard to breathe.

She left after a while. There was no use anyway. Yoona changed into a baggier top and headed to the convenience store two streets away. Graveyard shift was the easiest to snatch from. The fat bearded guard was sleeping again and the lanky boy at the cashier stall was nearing that point.

It became an easy task for her now. Yet she didn't want it to be.

Yoona got a few handful of instant food. The ones that you can just pop open without having to do anything else. Cooking is quite a burden too. They can't even afford a stove. She walked carefully and lowered her cap as she made her way to the hell that is their home.

It felt like the sun would pierce through her skin. The bad thing was that she was fine with the idea. Heaven would be a calmer place. Yoona opened her eyes. No, bad people didn't go to heaven. Bad people go to hell and yet that idea didn't seem so bad after opening her eyes to the cruel world.

Joohyun crept closer to her and she decided to close her eyes again. However, she also feared the darkness behind her eyelids and Joohyun, innocent little Joohyun needed not to know about it. Yoona knew very little of the real world once too and after the discovery, she thought it was better to keep her younger sister away from busy streets, close-minded people, and the truth.

She needed to protect her.

In more or less than twenty minutes, Yoona will start working again. Same old, same old.

She gripped the knob tight before twisting it and cracking the door open, revealing an odd number of people in the hall. There seemed to be a party, at their small corridor? Yoona went inside to check.

“What's the big event?”

“Someone turned twenty-one and his witty friend took him here. What a douche.” whispered Summer, faking a smile at a possible customer.

“I thought they preferred strip clubs with the big cake and lap dances.”

“I guess this is taking that to the next level. Work is still work. Too bad we can't pick which one we can have but I call dibs on the tall quiet one by the corner.” Summer glanced slightly at his direction and Yoona soon followed suit.

She shrugged. “I just don't care, really.”

She doesn't but the tall quiet one by the corner seemed to call for her attention too.

They brought six along with them. They rode in a fancy car and arrived in an even fancier house. The host of the party (she assumed) beckoned them to enter and what they saw inside were even more expensive than all their properties combined.

The tall quiet one went in with a pale awkward male first. They didn't look like they enjoyed a part of this at all.

The group of testosterone filled monsters drowned themselves with alcohol. One would ask them for a dance that most definitely would lead to sex. Yoona and Summer were the two of the latter girls yet to be picked.

It was either their partner was already in dreamland (or alcohol land, for that matter) or in the bathroom, throwing up the excess food they ate before. If this mansion had such an indecent place for vomiting, she wouldn't know but with the amount of gruesome people residing in this place, she could more or less say yes.

A hand grabbed hers and pulled her away. She glanced at his back, not having a clue on his identity. She didn't keep tabs on how every customer looked like, they never visited more than three times for her to remember or just that, the sex wasn't good.

He pushed her to the bed and almost forgot to lock the door. The tall guy suddenly appeared and pulled him out of the room.

“Hey, I like this one. Go pick another one, a'right?” he said before shutting the door close on his drunk face.

He untied the necktie that hung loosely on his collar and left it by the bed. He went to the closet and came out with two big white pillows. He placed them next to the carpet by the bed and lied down.

“I don't mean to be rude but do you notice how there's a bed beside you? Like right beside you.”

“Go to sleep.”

“You must have misunderstood. When someone says sleep with this girl, it doesn't mean sleep on the same room as her, it means--”

“Have sex with her. I know.” He finished her sentence for her. Although not in the way that she would put it.

“So which part of 'have sex with her', do you not understand?”

“Everything. Just go to sleep. You have the bed all to yourself.”

She followed his instructions but instead of falling asleep, she just stared at the ceiling instead. She didn't even know his name yet or how old he was.

The other side of the bed was cold, as per usual. Yoona had grown accustomed to that. This morning was a little different though. The bed doesn't reek of alcohol, smoke and sex. The sun doesn't poke through her skin. The bed doesn't creek when she stood up.

She sat at the edge of the gigantic bed and flailed her feet back and forth until a muffled 'ow' was heard from the floor or to be more specific, the person that slept on the floor.

Yoona blinked.

He stood up, his figure towering over her and if his eyes weren't puffy and tired, she would have guessed that he was mad at her for waking him up. Way to go, Im Yoona


He rubbed his eyes and skimmed the room for something.

It was rather amazing how people look for something when all that they need to see was what was in front of them.

He said something about leaving for work soon, he paid her and left.

Changmin wondered why he did such a thing. He didn't know the answer and probably never will.

He walked to his building which was a more than 10 blocks away and it should keep him busy enough to stop thinking of how idiotic last night was. If he knew how to stop then he could have done that long before, Changmin figured stupidity didn't have a cure.

11:47 PM: He logs out; she logs in.

Yoona could have gone earlier but the chances that she'll be taken at those times were low. No middle-aged man in their right mind would take a prostitute out at 6PM, 7PM or basically anytime that their wives can catch them.

She sat, yawned, fiddled with her shirt, went to get a drink and sat down again.

You could say, time doesn't pass quickly when Im Yoona wanted it to.

Summer gave her a knowing look and smirked. What? She mouthed because she thought it was a private matter.

She playfully hit her shoulder - Yoona groaned in pain but she was too busy fawning over her own story to notice. “I didn't know Im Yoona kept secrets. You totally hit jackpot!”

“Uhhh...What do you mean?”

“Don't act oblivious and clueless around me. Go ahead, he's waiting for you outside.”

“Who the--” said Yoona before she was pushed and shoved outside by none other than the resident's biggest blabbermouth.

“Have fun!” She winked before disappearing back inside.

“Hey! Who the hell are you talking about?” Yoona banged the door once, twice but only audible snickers were heard.

She was going for her third try when someone poked her shoulder blade. She turned around and looked at him. “Oh, it's you.” Yoona met those tired eyes again. Tired and beautiful, she could have said but she had more dignity than that.

“Changmin.” He said, offering a hand.

She shook his hands, a bit rough and damp. He didn't let go. “I guess you're all mine for this night too.”

“Then I guess I am.”

They skip off to his spacious and white apartment. She admired it for a good minute before coming back to her senses.

“How do you like it?”

“Like what?”

Yoona removed her jacket, a bit more hastily than she had intended.

“Water or juice?” Changmin poked his head out the fridge door and waved a water jug.

“What kind of juice is it?”

“Orange. The supermarket ran out of apple flavored ones. I suppose, juice it is then?”

He was already pouring her a drink when she was about to say no so she stopped herself and just accepted the cup he offered.

Yoona sniffed her cup. Orange wasn't exactly her favorite fruit. He called for her so she left her untouched cup on his center table.

His room was red. Red curtains, red bed, red desk. Red everywhere. In contrary to his white painted living room, his room exuded darkness and bloodshed. Somehow, it made her laugh inside.

“We're sleeping here? Just so you know, it's not my time of the month yet.”

Changmin snorted. “You are. I'm sleeping on the couch. And just so you know, I didn't want to know that last bit.”

“Fine with me.”

He closed the door shut and Yoona turned the lights off. Another night to think, she mumbled but lost to sleep immediately afterwards.

She woke up at dawn. It showed that Changmin wasn't really fond of knowing the time when she couldn't find a clock anywhere.

He was still asleep but she spotted a watch on his wrist. It was funny how a small detail escaped her mind like this.

It was 4 in the morning and the crazy man sleeping in the couch seemed like he didn't have plans on waking up any time sooner. Yoona did everything. The television set was just sitting idly on some expensive looking table but turning it on would cause noise and noise would wake him up. She didn't want that.

Changmin was nice and friendly for most part but his intentions were still very unclear to her. Why did he do such thing? Until when does he plan on going on? Questions she probably won't have the guts to find an answers to.

Yoona went to cook breakfast instead.

He woke up to the smell of burnt fried eggs and what looked like ham. Maybe it was a good day to skip work.



“Yeah, Yoona. Would you mind staying over until lunch?”

It was becoming a lot more complicated than planned. She nodded and they go clean their plates by the sink.

Lunch was horrible and it wasn't even about Yoona's cooking.

He almost choked on his food when she asked him about being a virgin.

“Why the sudden curiosity?”

She shrugged and continued eating like it was the end of the world. Changmin was modest enough to keep his share small even though he himself thought that it was a bit lacking.

“What if I am?”

“What if I don't like this sort of answers? Stop beating around the bush, Changmin.”

“So we're on first-name basis now, huh?”

“Stop changing the topic. You really must have it tough, virgin.”

“Drop it,” was all that he managed to throw but it was all that she needed to stop. By the end of the meal, he hands her her 'paycheck', she bows and mumbles her 'thank you' and bids goodbye. He would have too except this wasn't 'goodbye' for him yet.

p: changmin/yoona, !fanfiction, f: dbsk, f: snsd

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