pretty pretty picture

Sep 13, 2009 19:12

So, this is based of of a shoebox-type Dean/Cas thing some people in chat were brainstorming. There was a bit about a photographer!Cas and a model!Dean, and this is what I though of. I've sort of stolen some of the ideas and added my own. Plus, it's pretty.

we are still here )

chat, spn

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uselessplayback September 14 2009, 02:36:44 UTC
For this, you get commentfic ( ... )


thisfishflies September 14 2009, 02:55:08 UTC
DUUUDE. This. just.

I love you. This was great and perfect.


thevinegarworks September 14 2009, 06:22:52 UTC
Holy shit, I can't accurately put into words how much I loved this.


devilyouwere September 14 2009, 06:25:28 UTC
My heart hurts. This was just beautiful.


22by7 September 14 2009, 07:10:10 UTC
YESSS <333


uselessplayback September 16 2009, 02:10:02 UTC
If I turned this (which was totally inspired by some of your comments in chat, btw) into something bigger would you smite me for stealing borrowing your fantastic idea and running with it? Because I really, really want to. It's been eating my brain ever since I walked into that chat session.


thisfishflies September 16 2009, 02:11:57 UTC
Do it. If you show it to me before you post, I'll even make some form of arts.


architeuthis September 14 2009, 09:44:44 UTC
The art is beautiful and this is beautiful. Thank you both.


9_of_clubs September 16 2009, 01:44:56 UTC
OMG, Dean writing on the lid of the box KILLED me. It is just so poignant somehow and I can imagine someone in the future finding it all and looking through everything. And learning about them - and weeee that was just amazing <3. Loved it!


amonitrate May 13 2010, 00:50:10 UTC
oh wow. here via rec and this is lovely.


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