Title: The Night of Nights. Pairings: Tezuka/Fuji Rating: PG 13 Genre: Romance! Summary: It was graduation night for the third years and mutual feelings were made known (: Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis ):
That was so sweet! But Fuji never had the chance to give Tezuka his present! I was really wondering how Tezuka would react!! But it was a nice fic anyway ^_^
Comments 8
~Your lovely muse
(Oh and when the shit are we going to EVAR start on Proj.ducky?) (omg epic lame name) (and we haven't even bothered to change it yet ):)
I thought we were gna edit my chapt one (to make it presentable) and start on RP?
Coughcough. Ducky's name needs to wait. My brain needs to process. Hahahah. I've just proven just now that my brain isn't functioning normally. >(
aww.. they are so cute keeping the button for each other!
They are pure awesome <3
i love it!! ^^
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