101 Goals in 1,001 Days - Tweaks.

May 03, 2015 15:51

I set myself a rule - rule number two on the list - when I started my 101 goals in 1001 days list this time that 'After 6 months there will be no "Tweaking" of goals'.

Since may marks my 6 months of this challenge I thought I would share my final changes to some of the goals I realise need a bit of editing.

*19 was 'Complete the 52 week savings plan each Full year' meaning from jan 1st to dec 31st. Now it is 'Complete the 52 week savings plan for one year'.

*23 was 'Save my change for 1001 days' due to issues it is now 'Save my change for 1 year'.

*48 was 'Try 5 Recipes from any of my cookbooks' it is now just 'Try 10 Recipes' - since I changed it from my cookbooks I thought I would up the number.

*53 was 'go on a long distance train journey' and is now. Just 'go on a long distance journey'.

*55 may be changing this month but I will keep you posted.

*63 was 'Watch 1 Ted Talk each week for the project' now it is 'watch 101 Ted Talks Videos' since there were weeks I wanted to watch more than 1 and others I didn't want to watch any.

*71 was 'Take a selfie each day for 1001 days' now it is 'take a selfie each day for a year' - some stuff happened and I missed a couple of days but I didn't think it was fair that I failed due to unforeseen circumstances.

*75 was 'Recreate a selfie from my childhood' now it is 'Recreate a selfie from my childhood/teen years' I didn't want to be limited to ages 0-12 because of wording.

*clarification is needed for 83 'participate in Beda/NaBloPoMo (I can do both or just one) and NaNoWriMo each year' BEDA could be Blog everyday April OR August/NaBloPoMo is November, and NaNoWriMo can also be Camp NaNoWriMo.

*clarification is needed for 94 'catch up/complete on 5 new to me shows' this could also mean mini series longer than 3 episodes.

That is all for now. If I make anymore changes this month I will let you know. My next 100 days update is 19th June so I will have a bigger update then!


Forgot to add:

*64 has been updated from 'complete one coursera course each year' and is now 'complete one coursera or OTHER course each year'.


*clarification for 100 is needed 'Read 101 New (to me) books' also includes audio books. Not sure if I mentioned that in the original 101 post but it does. Though this does not count listening to Benedict Cumberbatch Ebooks to fall asleep to. I must be awake and taking in the book for the whole thing.
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