Title: Pain
Fandom: Naruto
Couple: Naruuga - Neji/Naruto/Hinata
Challenge: #28 - Get Out
Rating: R for violence and strong language. Oh, and angst. Loads of angst.
Summary: The Hyuuga clan goes to hell in a big way.
There was pain, so much pain. And then, the scream of an angel. )
Comments 11
Dude. Very awesome. And very like Hiashi to only to talk to Neji but not Hinata when they left.
And you explain the pain of the seal so very well. Kudos.
Glad it didn't seem too terribly contrived or anything. And the seal was definately the most fun part. Because me=sadistic.
Yanno... Your sadism plus mine will make for a very fun Kurenai-Kabuto meeting, whenever we get around to it. :D
Kabu: *sneakyninjagrope!*
Kurenai: O/////O *smack!*
Kabu: *twitchtwitch* Worth...it...
Wow. That fight, and Naruto jumping in and demanding his lovers. And Neji taking his stand. And the request from Hiashi at the very end.
Just wow.
*geeks out*
And I don't think even Naruto had really thought through exactly what he was saying just then, but I he really did mean it. He's completely and utterly brash, but he's also determined, honest, and loving. It's what makes him such an interesting character to work with.
great job. i really liked the seal-burning part- it was some excellent writing if i do say so myself (and i do).
and i like how naruto scared hiashi... *evil grin* way to go naruto!!
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