[Jeeves & Wooster] Random single-sentence fics.

Mar 18, 2010 19:09

Or non-fics. Sorry I've been out on the town with other fandoms. I don't know where the word list went or where I got it or even how good these are, but here you go. There a couple instances of Bertie/Other, one of which prequels the Dance Card-verse.


There was a crack in the ceiling of the small below-stairs room at Brinkley Court that exactly mimicked the curve of Bertie's upper lip; Jeeves stared and fought not to imagine whilst hoping that the snoring footman in the bed opposite would sneak away to some assignation.


Harold seized the tied from Bertie's grasp with a triumphant cry, but tripped on the rug and sent them both tumbling into a heap that had Bertie wrapped around him and laughing into the side of his neck, and he couldn't decide whether his clumsiness was a blessing or a curse just now.


Aunt Agatha hadn't yet discovered the new hiding place in the far west corner of the attic, and so it was exempt from the rules of her domain--boys were allowed to cry there.


It was the grossest possible breach of professionalism for me to watch Mr Wooster in the bath with an eye towards anything other than a possible need for more soap, but I found I could no longer prevent myself from greedily drinking in the sight of his hands smoothing lather over his skin, nor the images that filled my head of what my own could do in their place.


"I did try to warn you," Ginger said, not as apologetically as Bertie might have liked as he choked and spat onto the dusty floor of the games shed.


He couldn't ask Uncle Spencer about it, and he certainly couldn't ask Aunt Agatha, which was how Bertie ended up on the library floor with a broken arm and a Gray's Anatomy-shaped bruise on his forehead.


Sometimes, after hours of sitting and looking at nothing, Jeeves would turn his head towards me, eyes sharp as they ever were, and I would know that for that moment, he knew me -- those moments were what I lived for now.


The little box in my pocket might as well have been a brick, heavily as it weighed on me -- it was the wrong size, the wrong shape, and for the wrong person, and I hoped she'd laugh and throw the thing back in my face.


It had taken a considerable amount of time after my return from France to retain my composure in the presence of fireworks, and even now I flinched inwardly at the larger explosions, but I would not have missed Mr Wooster's wide-eyed joy at the display if it had put me back into hospital.


As kisses went, it was probably one of the worst-executed to have ever seen daylight -- for a start, my aim was off and caused a painful collision of teeth, and once that had stopped smarting, it was all a bit too wet and nervous -- but Jeeves is nothing if not absolutely dogged in his pursuit of improving upon that which needs improving upon, and so the one that came in the midst of my half-formed apology was a vast improvement indeed.


It is an invaluable skill, when constantly faced with the object of one's affection and desire in a state of undress and powerless to act upon any impulse that might arise, to be able to regard him clinically and professionally, as a doctor might a patient, and I played my part so well that it would never occur to Mr Wooster that, though firm, it was a facade.

jeeves and wooster, fic

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