the meaning of my hug.

Jan 10, 2012 13:06

the meaning of my hug.
after school. kahi/jungah. pg.
kahi's hugs are the medicine for jungah's illnesses.

- we are brought together by love.

Jungah wakes up early that morning, earlier than necessary but it’s the first day of school and the kids deserve a special breakfast to start their new school year off with a bang. She’s careful not to wake her bed partner, tip-toeing from the room in her slippers and heading towards the kitchen to start cooking.

She’s wrist deep in bread dough when another body suddenly presses against her back, causing her to jump slightly and yell out a small shriek.

There’s familiar laughter behind her and she turns her head just enough to see Kahi grinning at her, eyes bright even at the ungodly early hour.

“I scared you, didn’t I?” she questions as the other woman goes back to carefully rolling out the dough.

“Yes, you did and you’re lucky I decided not to cook porridge. You would’ve had a face full,” Jungah says grumpily, but leans back into the comfortable embrace with ease.

Kahi just laughs more, arms wrapping tighter around the thin frame of her lover. “Baking for the kids?” she asks, though the answer is obvious enough that Jungah doesn’t even give a response.

“Did you want something too?” The younger woman asks instead. “I’ve already got some water on for tea,” she adds and Kahi can hear the faint noise coming from the water boiler.

“Nope, I want something else,” she responds, her arms slipping down lower until she can rest her hands on Jungah’s hips, her thumbs pressing over the strip of skin exposed by her pajama bottoms.

“I can make some rice,” Jungah offers, though her voice comes out noticeably shaky.

“Nope. I want Jung-”

“Jung-sam? It’ll take a while-”

“Jungah,” Kahi finishes before turning the younger woman around and claiming her lips in a heated kiss, pressing her against the counter.

Jungah makes muffled sound of surprise but returns the kiss nonetheless, arms coming up to wrap around Kahi’s shoulders, hands just shy of touching since they were still sticky with leftover dough and flour.

They pull away when breathing becomes a necessity and Kahi takes immense pleasure in the flush spreading across Jungah’s cheeks. “It’s still early. We have time before the kids wake up,” she says, leaning in to brush small kisses against the other’s neck.

Jungah whimpers, high and pretty, her head tilting to allow more access. “And what, exactly, would we have time for?” she questions breathily, letting her eyes meet Kahi’s.

Kahi doesn’t answer, but she does give Jungah a lecherous smirk before pulling her towards the bedroom by the drawstring on her pants.

The kids end up eating cereal for breakfast.

- we are separated by devastation.

Kahi rolls over in bed, stretching her arm out and instead of meeting the body of her lover; she only feels the chilled bed sheets. Sitting up, she looks around their dark room with a frown, wondering where the younger woman had gone.

She doesn’t have to wonder long because the door cracks open, a sliver of light coming in before it’s blocked out once again. Jungah doesn’t notice her and hurries over to her side of the bed, slipping inside the sheets as if she had never left.

She only notices she’s not the only one awake when Kahi lies back down and faces her, curiosity on her face. “What were you doing?” she asks and her voice sounds rough from sleep.

Jungah doesn’t respond, planning on ignoring the older woman before finally caving, “I was on the phone.”  She never could keep anything from Kahi.

Kahi frowns again, brows knitting together across her forehead. She wants to ask who Jungah would be talking to so late at night, but isn’t sure she should. The other woman offers even without her asking.

“Bekah called. It’s only afternoon in Hawaii, you know.”

Kahi sucks in a quick breath of air in surprise. Bekah had left for Hawaii months ago and while she had dutifully called and wrote and mentioned on Twitter, the contact had dwindled as the time difference and their lives took priority.

“She’s doing well, if you’re wondering.” Jungah isn’t looking at her, but staring at some point near her chest, probably focusing on a freckle or a crease in her shirt. “Her latest design project received full marks, her professor was impressed. She sounded quite proud of her self and she should be, she’s amazing.”

Kahi listens patiently as Jungah tells her about all the things her and Bekah had spoken about, her voice growing fainter and sadder until she was crying; big, hot tears falling down her cheeks.

Kahi immediately sweeps her up, wrapping strong arms around her thin body and holding her close. Jungah just lets her and cries, pressing her face against the soft cotton of Kahi’s shirt, fingers clenched together hard enough to pull the skin of her knuckles taut.

“I miss her so much,” she says through her tears and Kahi’s heart breaks at the devastation in her voice. Jungah, even though she was emotional and caring, didn’t cry often, but when she did, it was as if the angels themselves were crying and Kahi couldn’t bear it.

“Shh, please…please,” she whispers, running her hand soothingly down the other’s back, feeling it tremble under her touch. For hours they seemingly laid there; Kahi comforting Jungah until she quieted down, exhaustion finally overcoming her and she fell into an uneasy sleep.

Kahi shifted Jungah onto her back and wiped the tear tracks from her face before lying back down beside her, pulling her against her chest. Even though Bekah was happier in Hawaii, and Kahi had always wanted what was best for her, she wished, more than anything for her to be back, if only so Jungah wouldn’t cry like this ever again.

fandom: after school, pairing: kahi/jungah

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