this song is about an orgy; this poll isn't

Mar 22, 2009 23:05

Poll the other question I could ask is, 'have I been watching too much DS9'?

poll, teevee

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Comments 23

cathalin March 23 2009, 04:54:46 UTC
Mmmm, garak/bashir. So wrong it's right.

Come to think of it, I've only read one or two things with them -- I just shipped them in my head, back in the day.

*wanders off to search* *g*


thingswithwings March 23 2009, 12:52:52 UTC
inDEED. I love Garak/Bashir kind of like crazy, but there's not a ton of good fic for them. Let me know if you find some good stuff! I would totally accept some recs.


such_heights March 23 2009, 10:05:52 UTC
Garak/Bashir! Old school ship of my heart! *grin* And yeah, I hear you, sol_se's posts are making me want to rewatch like crazy.


thingswithwings March 23 2009, 12:53:57 UTC
yes! she keeps talking about it, and I keep getting nostalgic, and then what can I do but rewatch?

We're totally having an old school ship renaissance right now. Man, I think I'll have to write some garak/bashir for kink bingo this year.


wneleh March 23 2009, 10:54:41 UTC
O'Brian/Bashir. Or is that just too obvious?


thingswithwings March 23 2009, 12:55:07 UTC
Nope, certainly not more obvious than Garak/Bashir! I just like Miles with Keiko, so always just BFF-ed O'Brian and Bashir instead of slashing them. But I dig where you are coming from: they could totally sex each other up.


toft_froggy March 27 2009, 02:02:21 UTC
I have not watched any DS9 except for the Tribbles ep, but altariel loves it and says I should watch it. But she's been saying that for a few years now.


thingswithwings March 28 2009, 02:42:00 UTC
meh, it's okay. It's infuriating in some regards, and sometimes it's really good, but whatever, you can give it a miss and not really be much the poorer for it.


coffeestudies March 27 2009, 23:19:56 UTC
Garak/Bashir!!! I'm so excited to read that you watch DS9 and like G/B (because I think that you've got cool things to say and I generally respect your opinion...? */fangirls*).

Garak/Bashir is a hard ship to write. Not because it's hard to pull of (there's plenty subtext in canon) but because it takes a skilled writer to keep the characters - especially Garak - IC. And theirs is not a fluffy relationship, at least if you stick to a time frame that's within the show's canon. But if the author manages to do this the stories are extremely rich, multi-layered, and such a pleasure to read.

And you mentioned above that you'd like recs so I put on my rec-hat on because I just luuurve to spread the G/B love. There are a few more (not too many, though :( ) but those are my favorites.


thingswithwings March 28 2009, 02:49:12 UTC
Oh, that's cool, thanks for the recs! I tried to find some G/B fic a couple weeks ago, and found a couple of good ones and a whole giant pile of incredibly crappy ones. But I've only seen one of the ones you recced, so that is good. :) Have you read isagel's The Greek Upon the Stars? It's amazing - like you say, rich and multi-layered, and so so canon. And hot.

It is a difficult pairing to pull off, I think - they're slashy as all get out, but I think a lot of people grapple with the alien stuff a bit, especially since a lot of other scifi fandoms go out of their way to avoid writing the really alien-y aliens (I'm thinking of Babylon 5, where Londo/G'Kar/Lennier/Vir/Delenn don't get near the fic they ought to get). Anyhow, I do enjoy the two of them together! They are indeed a good pairing.


coffeestudies March 28 2009, 17:43:03 UTC
No, I haven't read that one before, thank you!

I think a lot of people grapple with the alien stuff a bit, especially since a lot of other scifi fandoms go out of their way to avoid writing the really alien-y aliens
Yeah, the great chance of sci-fi is too often left unused: alien cultures often become limited to fanon over time (admittedly, not an entirely bad thing since most of us feel comfortable with it and I personally would be surprised to hear, say, Spock's member described as anything but double-ridged); or whole cultures are treated in canon as an extension of only one individual (to me Athosian culture has about two personalities: Teyla's and everyone else's). Those are just two extremes, of course, and lots of folks are doing a lovely job in exploring the possibilities.

Kanaar by the archivist, for example, introduces some interesting customs surrounding the yummy kanaar (although I remember not being as impressed with the plot upon re-reading but the intricate details are still very fascinating and worth the read, ( ... )


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