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Comments 26

lordes October 4 2011, 11:07:06 UTC
There is a youtube video about the could vs couldn't care less thing *G* it's so brilliant!

And your layout. I LOVE IT! I want to have it too!!! *grabby fingers*

My biggest pet peeve is when someone answers a this or that? question with YES


*shakes head*


thilia October 4 2011, 11:09:11 UTC
Haha, cool! It's just that everyone seems to do that, and... yeeeahhh. :D

The layout is from milou_veronica; it's a mix between two layouts, actually. XD

And yes! That is pretty annoying. *nods*


lordes October 4 2011, 11:10:08 UTC
a mix? But it's so pretty! I want it! *grabby fingers again*


thilia October 4 2011, 11:11:56 UTC
LOL! Well, there is one layout with the polka dot background, but that one had issues when I used it (the sidebar was all screwed up), so I took a different layout and just used the polka dot background on that one :)


scarletladyy October 4 2011, 11:21:36 UTC
OMG "Could Care Less" irritates the fuck outta me xD Like, what?!


thilia October 4 2011, 11:24:28 UTC
Yeah! And if the people on tv/in movies can't get it right, obviously other people assume "could" is correct and keep using it, and... ugh. XD And it's not even like it's a longer sentence - it's just an additional "n't"!


kseenaa October 4 2011, 13:30:48 UTC
Oh good GAWD! *falls down and feels ashamed* You probably hate my posts then... Clearly, english is not my first language, and my Achilles' heels are:

to / too - I NEVER know when to use what.

of / off - same here, NEVER know when to use one or the other.

your / you're - finally starting to learn this one.

there / their / they're- I KNOW this one, but when writing quickly, I do sometimes get it wrong, and the spell-check don't catch it.

I hate it. I always get told that my english is so good, and then there are these Achilles' heels... and I hate them. With a passion.


LOL that was me... XD thilia October 4 2011, 13:42:24 UTC
Forgot to log out... XD ( ... )


Re: LOL that was me... XD kseenaa October 5 2011, 20:05:40 UTC
Why, thank you. For telling me these rules. Again. Thing is, they are told to me ALL THE TIME!!! But they just don't stick, for some weird reason. Hell, I have a hard time with grammatical rules in Swedish to. I know how it is supposed to sound like, but then saying WHY? Nope. Can't. In either language. I mean, I can hear how it is supposed to sound when you say it aloud in English, since I love speaking it. But then spelling comes in, and at some things I am just fucked. :-P


Re: LOL that was me... XD thilia October 5 2011, 20:18:03 UTC
Well, yeah. I have a few things like that that I just don't remember and have to look up EVERY time, no matter how much I use them. XD It's especially bad in French. And often, I know the right way to spell something but end up picking the wrong one in the end after all XD

Stupid rules, anyway LOL! XD


tearose99 October 4 2011, 13:43:37 UTC
I totally agree! Also, the misuse of "than" and "then" drives me INSANE


thilia October 4 2011, 13:46:52 UTC
Yes! That's another one I could've added. Ugh D: And this is usually not done wrong because of typing-speed but because people actually don't know the difference :P


tearose99 October 4 2011, 13:52:50 UTC
Yep and that's what drives me nuts. I can understand typos, but it's really not that hard to tell when to use each version of the word and it just makes me think you're lazy if you get it wrong tbh.


thilia October 4 2011, 13:55:13 UTC
Exactly! You just have to focus a little, think about which word is right in a specific case, and... yeah. After a while, you do it automatically :)


tomatoe18 October 4 2011, 14:01:18 UTC
Wait. I thought "could care less" and "couldn't care less" is an British English vs American English debate thingie? I seem to recall a discussion about this somewhere - can't find the link now (or was it in a beta reading note that I once received?) - but that was the impression I got. I definitely go for "couldn't care less" but it's not as bothersome to me as the "definately" thing.


thilia October 4 2011, 14:04:01 UTC
Really? O_o Okay... I've never heard about that. Weird! Well... "couldn't care less" is the one that makes sense to me, so... LOL!

And "definately" is annoying, yeah. I don't see it that much, though. XD


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