
Feb 06, 2010 11:17

Do you ever get a completely brilliant and crystal-clear image, like a film in your brain, of something you KNOW would make the best story of your whole life... if you could only think up the story that goes with the picture? I WANT TO FIGURE THIS OUT because it's getting me all excited. XD

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Comments 4

codecompass February 6 2010, 16:13:13 UTC
That's when you contract out to me to serve as Plotting Assistant!


codecompass February 6 2010, 16:13:39 UTC
Er, meaning I would assist you! Obvsly. XD


elfinessy February 6 2010, 19:55:03 UTC
10 years ago I woke up with one of those. TEN YEARS it took to form it into the first draft of the original novel I wrote last year, The Angel House.


oddmonster February 7 2010, 01:59:29 UTC
Story of my life, dude.


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