
Jan 27, 2010 22:07

QI repeat on Dave and... this ridiculous world-consuming Ben Miller crush really isn't going away. XD I want to listen to him talk nerdy things forever.

This all still makes me CRY laughing:

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Comments 4

seshat1 January 27 2010, 23:10:56 UTC
I love Ben Miller! Physics uber geek (PHD!!!!!) and funny? yes please!


moondarri January 27 2010, 23:22:09 UTC
i know it oughtn't, but it always kind of surprises me on QI when the comedians are properly knowledgeable about difficult stuff like maths. like, you can't be a mathematician & funny at the same time. but! there you go.


weekendgothgirl January 28 2010, 00:45:15 UTC
LOL that is all :P



lifeby_thedrop January 28 2010, 03:56:19 UTC
I like it when we talk about the deep stuff. This made me roll. The air raid reminded me of the multiple fire alarm bells that we disregard at school while we wait for someone to come over the PA and say it's a false alarm (happened today). If there is ever a real fire, we are all going up in flames. Hectic.

And also...why are pipes so fucking sexy?


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