People; what a bunch of bastards (part 1).

Oct 14, 2010 20:05

Newsflash! People annoy me. Actually that's an understatement - humanity annoys me. And so on my trip, as I came across a larger portion of humanity than what I'm normally used to, I got annoyed. Quite a lot. There was the general annoyance at idiots who try to barge into the toilet even though the lock shows red (universal code for LOCKED! SOMEONE ( Read more... )

rant, trip

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Comments 2

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thharwood October 16 2010, 14:36:19 UTC
lol, I really wanted to take it, but it didn't work out with my schedule. Next year hopefully...


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thharwood October 16 2010, 15:30:34 UTC
I'm starting on Monday too. :)
Are you taking a different film course instead or was that the only one you wanted?


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