
Oct 20, 2008 02:17

So, with everything going on in rl right now, it's probably not a good idea for me to do this, but I really, really want to, so I'm gonna be dumb and go for it. I'm gonna try the challenge over at un_love_you for Adam Lazzara. Wish me luck!

01.You were right about me.
02.I was wrong about you.
03.This cancels out the hurt.

04.I need to want you.
05.You can be like me.
06.I want to need you.

07.Prove it.
08.I'm cruel.
09.Always wondered what this'd be like.

10.I'm broken.
11. Thought I needed this.
12.I'm drunk.

13.I want to hurt you.
14.I'm awake and you're breathing.
15.This is my desperation in action.

16.I want to break you.
17.Wish I didn't love you.
18.I pity you.

19.This isn't about you at all.
20.I hate you, you bitch.
21.You'll do.

22.I hate myself.
23.You remind me of me.
24.I want you to hate me.

25.You remind me of someone.
26.I can be like you.27.
Author's Choice.

28.Author's Choice.
29.Author's Choice.
30.Author's Choice.

challenge, fandom: bandom, un_love_you, fic

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