Title: Just a Shallow Cut Pairing: Nathan/Peter Rating: PG-13 Prompt: Day 45 for theyreitalian Words: 371 Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, NBC, and other folks. Just for fun. ( just a shallow cut )
OMG G#^$54^%$&^RFR^HRT blood is KINK!FTW omg.. the thought of Nathan sucking Peter's thumb and Peter just staring back at him with his puppy eyes, heck even getting aroused (cuz who wouldn't, right?) is a BIG YESS!!
Finally he withdrew Peter’s finger from his lips and stared into Peter’s eyes, tinted dark with arousal, and captured Peter’s mouth, letting him taste the metallic flavor on his tongue.
Yanno, for a moment I got a bit confuzzled... I thought they were in his campaign office - the one we see on the show? And I was like, wouldn't his people find that a bit odd? Haha, I am so stupid.
Comments 10
Anyway, YES. Just yes.
OMG G#^$54^%$&^RFR^HRT blood is KINK!FTW omg.. the thought of Nathan sucking Peter's thumb and Peter just staring back at him with his puppy eyes, heck even getting aroused (cuz who wouldn't, right?) is a BIG YESS!!
Finally he withdrew Peter’s finger from his lips and stared into Peter’s eyes, tinted dark with arousal, and captured Peter’s mouth, letting him taste the metallic flavor on his tongue.
Jezussu43&^%$Û *g*
Yanno, for a moment I got a bit confuzzled... I thought they were in his campaign office - the one we see on the show? And I was like, wouldn't his people find that a bit odd? Haha, I am so stupid.
Very good fic though *wiggles eyebrows*
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