Title: Two Roads Diverged (3/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: None, just some sexin'
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, thank you to my frakking awesome betas.
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Comments 27
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I knew you'd get me with that mustache thing. I added it because dashakay gave me pretty mustache-intense beta notes. lol.
The jarring thing... I think it did jar her. I think, though she desperately sought out more Saul in her life, and wanted him around for various reasons related to her happiness, she didn't actually acknowledge how much she truly needed him until he was gone. And the feeling of "jarring" may have also have been some sort of subconscious realization relating to the immortality of their relationship.
Everyone needs someone to blame.
I'll be thinking about this for awhile in relation to that scene between the two of them.
Thanks for reading. ♥
All she wanted was to cry without being heard.
Awww poor Laura :'(
I feel so bad for them both (ellen and laura)! You make it so very real and the way you show thier emotion is amazing <3
I like how you show them taking out thier frustrations on each other at the end. I hadnt thought about it before but it fits very well.
Laura watched Ellen as she turned and started out of the tent. She hesitated with her hand on the flap. "We'll all die here, you know."
"Get out."
Ellen looked back at her. Laura crossed her arms, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Get out."
She watched Ellen leave and bit her quivering lip.
Nobody is dead. Everyone's alive, and he's coming back, godsdamn it.
*sniffle* I can just see this taking place <3
Chapter 4 here I come!
Thank you. ♥ ♥
Denial, Laura has it! It's fun. :)
Thanks again for reading!
*off to read chapter four*
Thank you. :) They are certainly interesting women, aren't they? I think their characters are so fun to play off of each other.
And it's such a feminine form of warfare.
Indeed. And I think they had to break each other down a bit to get to some points later in the story. Casting stones.
Thanks for reading!
I'm very pleased you liked the last bit. I didn't want it to seem too soap-opera like, you know? But I think they're both starting to unravel and it becomes very easy to strike out at others when that happens.
Thanks for reading :)
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